Ipod Touch Help

Just got a 16gb iPod touch today and it's freeking ausome!!

Just one small problem, i've connected to my Wi-Di connection and put the pass in etc, but it doens tallow me to actualy surf utube or the music store....

Has anybody had this problem if they idd have one or know any solutions?

Tried google so fuck off with those comments kiddies...

Much Love
oh yeah touch my IPOD tralala
16gb, heh

The iPod touch is good for one thing though, it brought the price of Classics down a bit.
try google
MMm, i wanted to buy it myself aswell...does it scrath easily?
try harder
works on my dad's. does it actually show as sucessfully connected?
my ipod is 80 gb =]
you must have a massive penis
fucking ROFL
i dont like to bost but yeh its huge
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