Quake Wars imo

yo guys,

ive played some ETQW lately, and i kinda liked it. although i dont have very much fps i can see that its still like ET itself. maybe the vehicles and the future-setting make it a bit different, but in the deep core its still the same tbh. if you dont like it cos of the futuresetting just stop being so old, WWII time is over, its time for futureshooters now!

but this is my opinion, discuss pls :p ( dont forget to flame me )
"the vehiculs" ??
ETQW > all but i dont has the money to buy it :P
Thanks for sharing your opinion! Crossfire got over 14000 members what would happen if everyone would make journals like this? Besides that who cares about someones opinion which you don't know.
I guess the servers would crash :DD
If everyone would make journals like this, you would see more journals posted on Crossfire. We welcome anyone to post his opinion while respecting those of others.
But why does everyone has to make a journal for his own? I've seen already so many journals with every time the same thing about QW. So if they got the brains to post their idea's in one journal or whatever...
I'm with U tetsou!:P
stfu attention emo whore
So, what do you think resembles ET in it then?
Classes, objective mode, aiming style, character specific abilities
Classes & CPA - sure, as long as you are in the limbo lol.(GDF are a bit like ET, Strogg is not)
Objective - Yeah, kinda, but just exactly the same as BF2 s&d.
Aiming - Don't agree.
1. Not just during the limbo menu, during the entire game, you will find yourself playing a role very similar to which you played in W:ET.
The strogg are pretty different (and very unique) with a lot of new abilities. Though in the end you will focus yourself on the role you are playing, just like you did in Wolfenstein: ET.

2. Lol, you so haven't played battlefield. The game type in Battlefield is called Capture and Hold, basically you need to capture multiple points on the match while defending your own points, very different to the missions in ET:QW where you need to blow things up, build things, hack things, etc.

3. Well everyone experiences this different.
In ET, medic, that is like what 70% of what all players play, is a rambo machine, not revive.

And the fact that you have like a zillion of bullets to start with in ETQW, and that medic makes everyone have unlimited ammo both as strogg and gdf, it's more about spamm, and less about timing than in ET.

I have played both BF2 and BF, and at quite a high level in BF even if I didn't play for any clans there, I know C&H is the most played mode, just wanted to point out that it is the same.

The size of the maps and the freedom to move everywhere, but the requirements and time to do so is a quite negative in ETQW.
aiming style = CoD + CS
agree with u
you suck! i niet liek qw shiat
"vehicules" made me laugh :DDD
et-qw died on the day it came out
I actually enjoy QW too. It's not ET, but It's a damn good substitute :o)
go play some clanwars and you'll like it even more.
I'm really looking into the SDK which hopefully will make this game what it has to be in a competitive sense.
the only way it resembles ET is by the class system tbh :XD
Idd, and don't forget it has the 'Enemy Territory' in the game title aswell!
well, they obviously used the name ET for immidiate-interest purposes
Only to get our hopes up and then crushing it by actually making the game as shit as it is today :o
yeah the gameplay, the stopwatch mode, the teamplay aspect, the weapons is completly diffrent!
They're totally different.

Gameplay - yes
Stopwatch - no
Teamplay - yes
Weapons - yes
Bought it, played it for 5 minutes, slapped myself for buying such a sucky game.
can i have it?
I think we'll have to wait... it's far from perfect but at least they are fixing the bugs. It's much better than ET was after its release.
However, the D3 engine sucks. We'll just have to accept that there will never be something like the Q3 engine again :(
'if you dont like it cos of the futuresetting just stop being so old'

it's nothing like ET tbh and it SUCKS big time.
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