Batch conversion

Good evening guys

i need some help of anybody who is familiar with photoshop.
I have a couple of pictures taken with my camera an hour ago.
now i want to have exactly the same effect (some glassy square of defined size on the right side of the picture [the light should be broken through the light]) on every picture.

Once again slower: i have opened the first picture and made that square and applied the glass distortion effect on it.
now the right half of the picture is glassy as i wanted it.

and now i want to have exactly the same effect on the rest of the pictures too. same size, same effect.

is there a way to apply the effect to all of the pictures automatically?
perhaps with some kind of batchrendering or sth?

would be nice to get some help =)

thx in advance

yours sincerely
2much2read cuz im tired :<
me @ photoshop isnt good sorry :<
np i m sure u ve got other qualities
two much too read and to lazy too ried
- Open a picture
- press F9 in photoshop , create a new action (second icon from the right)
- Add all the effects on that pic and save it (*)
- press stop in the action window thingie
- goto File->Automate->Batch , select folder & action and hit ok

(* = Remove that pic from the folder otherwise it will have the effect 2 times)
create an action for your desired effect -> Then use File/Automate/Batch

e: 2 slow, sry! =(
bei actions auf das ornder symbol, rechts daneben neue aktion erstellen, filter adden, file --> save as.., auf den roten knopf bei actions drücken.
dann kannst du die aktion unter file --> automate --> batch immer wieder abrufen
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