iTunes and video's

How do I get iTunes to play normal .avi video's? All I have managed to do so far is play .mov files...
I'm asking because I've recently gotten a new iPod and I'm kind of clueless on how to get video files onto my iPod.

I've talked to other people and they told me to just go to Film in my library and select add file to library, but that only adds .mov files and just doesnt do anything at all when I try to add a .avi or .wmv file.

Thanks in advance.

PS. If anyone knows of a better/different way to get video on my ipod that would be appreciated aswell.
you have to download a program called "Videora" , it converts movies to mp4 format and then to your iPod already, you just have to update it :) GL HF with iPod
(there's no other way to play ur movies, avi files are not able to play on ipod)
What dnl666 said but like it takes u like 1 hour 2 convert 1 movie so like i said itunes sucks nd stuff ;/ i had the same proplem when i got my 80 gb ipod vid and i was leik wtf why cant i put videos into it ;/ its because itunes is shit and i dont even bother to put a movie into the ipod couse of this..
yup, i have only 1 movie (las vegas parano), other are clips because of convert time :P and in fact I dont really use this option(watching movies) when Im outside:P but still iPod is very nice thing
it is but i bought the movie ipod so i could watch movies while im sitting in a car for a long time or when i fly (witch i do very often) so its useless to have so big ipod if u just want to listen to music.. its like i have 50 gb of music in my ipod and i listen to like 4 gb of that music and i want sum movies in :<
yup I bought 30 GB , I have like 20 GB of music and I listen maybe 2 GB :P and Im using it for videos only when Im in train
lel no trains in iceland :d we use airplanes nd cars and bus'es :d 3h3 h3h3 but ye all i have in my ipod of videos is like 3 movies and 2 simpsons episodes + 1 pornomovie so i can wank in the airplane wc -_---------------------------_-!
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