damn photoshop :((((

I need help
I've got an image 1280x720 with a logo in one corner.
I need the image to be 1280x1024 but the logo has to stay the same size, how can i do that :(

help please!

trying to manage that for about an hour now.

/edit: the problem is that i got 8 of the images and the logos have to be in exactly the same position!
alt+crtl+c : change the size and set the anchor to left upper corner (if your logo is left, otherwise right corner if the logo is right)
What version of photoshop?
I'm using CS2 and nothing happens if i press alt+ctr+c :/
then goto image -> canvas size
Thank you! did work
Cut and copy the logo layer into a new project.

Resize the pic . past the logolayer . and voila :s
? picture?
change canvas size instead of changing image size
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