piano songs

need good piano solos
beethoven - moonlight sonata

edit: does have some strings in it

music from erik satie, gymnopedie nr1 and gnossiene
Download some Italy Ludovico Einaudi
Or ask Perfo (no joke) \:D/
Germany Beethoven & Austria Mozart !

Btw, Russia Tchaikovsky > all.
piano solo's suck

beter rico & sticks in combos
maar die zijn ermee gekapt
piano song oO
für elise <3 (beethoven)
my xfire profile there are my piano songs on youtube
Who the fuck listens piano solos ? :D
Developed people, intelligent people, well-educated people, and so on.
huh? Automatically guy who listens piano music is intelligent? :o

And guy who listens metal and music like that is stupid?
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