iPhone 1.1.2 OTB Unlock today?

Dont know whether anyone here is looking to unlock their iphone but it looks like today is the day when the new unlocks become mainstream o/

(Disclaimer - if not today, very soon and that makes me happy never the less as I almost paid some nobjockey to do it for me!)
are they actually any good?


(not avi in aus yet)
tbh I bought mine with the intention of selling it, I wanted to sell a shitload of them cause they're £200 to buy in US and £400 to sell (unlocked) on ebay in UK.

However I used a couple of my friends ones when I was over the states and now I'm keeping it when i unlock it :P
Don't they still have the "You can only buy 1" rule?
You can only buy 2 per apple store in LA, and I only bought one cause i wanted to test it and then buy more, but didnt get it unlocked in time.

One of the singaporean players had 6 or 8 in his room
I worked it out a while ago, was cheaper to fly to new york, buy a macbook pro then fly back, than buy it here in the uk. Fucking free health care.

So you only bought one in the end?
is it true that the average salary in the u.k. is 50 pounds sterling?
sad story but it's true yeah, i wanted one aswell but you simply pay the same price in euros as you do in dollars.... although i managed to get it for the dollar price here(in the NL) :)
they suck...
< Viewty ?
unlock for what? for being able to put songs without DRM on it?
there are so many things that can be down once it's unlocked... (atleast that's what i've heard)
unlocking means that you can use any gsm provider(?) you want, not just AT&T thats locked by apple.
i think you're confusing unlocking with jailbreaking here.
thats unlocking that simlock stuff.. but theres many more locked on that phone
thats what unlocking is called, "unlocking that sim stuff"
cracking it so you could use 3rd party apps is not called unlocking
i dont care if its called unlock or your mother
btw u can use unlock for everything.. not only for sim shit
if you dont care why do you keep repeating what you said (you're wrong)
cuz i dont care if its wrong
dont care :D
HI xfRd,
I agree with you.
Once unlock your iPhone,you will be put any kind of Sim card in it.Recently i bought my iPhone from UK,which is locked to T-mobile network.But i have o2 Sim card.So i needed to unlock my iPhone.Then i searched lot of online unlocking ways.Finally i found Remote unlocking method.I bought this service from Mobileunlocksolutions.com It's the best iPhone unlock without jail breaking.I never had any problem using this method.
yar, ye smugglin pirate
they comin to see ya ridin dirrty
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