installig bouncer

hi guys i need help with my bouncer i dont have any clue how to install it so if

someone have time to explain me how to do it add me on xfire: rapeout.

btw- my bouncer is form

greets rapeout :]
btw need a free bnc pm me :DD
lol Hellknight from cybergames? that unhitable Hellknight?xD
check my profile then you know why :>
getting fastpath again in 2 weeks \o/

are you luger nab who whined everytime i killed you?
no that was my friend who whined around 3 hours on TS :D
ur profile pic <3
mIRC and psyBNC Setup Guide

Here we will try and give you a brief setup guide for mIRC and your DG-psyBNC
Please follow these steps carefully. If followed you should be connected to your BNC shortly.
· Start mIRC if you do not have mIRC yet get it from. HERE
· Once started you should get to something like this.

· YourName can be anything you wish – i.e. put your name in there. Email needs to be the ID_Ident. The Ident is the name you have chosen in our webinterface. So if your ID is 1337 and Ident was set to Leet your Email must be [email protected] (Same for the fullname but without the “@”. Nickname and Alternative nick are set to whatever you want them to be these are just what you require your name to be, i.e. - what other users will see you as. The alternative nick is for when another user on the same network has the same name as you.
· Once you have done that you need to set up the network you want to connect to. E.g. the Quakenet. To do this click on servers shown in this image.

· Now click on add and you should be presented with another screen like this one

· Fill out the fields now with the Description being Bouner, IRC Server needs to be the IP which you can find in your webinterface. Same for the Port number. Last thing put the password given to you in the password field. Make sure you type this correctly as you will not see it after you have typed it all you will see is *******. Once you have filled in those details make sure you have checked them and then when you are happy with what you have done click on add.
· Now you should be left with something that resembles this

If you see something like that now you are ready to move onto the next step, which is adding the Ident given to you. Click on the Ident server tab in mIRC shown here.

· Once done you should see the check box called Enable Ident Server, Make sure it is ticked then move to the User Id and fill that out with the Ident given to you – i.e. - if it was 1337_Leet and your email was set to [email protected] 1337_Leet needs to be set in the User ID box. Now this is done its time to connect to the BNC.

· Now click on connect to server and wait patiently for it to connect to the psyBNC server. Once connected, psybnc will automatically write you a message.
· The next thing to do is get the BNC to connect to the server to do this type a line like this in the psybnc window.
· /addserver
· Now you are able to change your V-Host, which is what people will see when they whois you. If your Ident was set to 1337_Leet as standard your whois will be [email protected]
· You may change this to one of the following
· Vhost List for Bouncer4You are currently available:




· To set these VHOSTS type /bvhost domain - e.g. /bvhost If you are connected to quakenet when you set your vhost you will need to jump to activate.
· If you set it to that and your ident was 1337_Leet your new vhost will become 1337_Leet@
· Once this is done all you need do now is type
· /jump
· This will now connect you to QuakeNet and set your vhost to whatever you asked for it to be set to.
· Now you join your channels. To do this simply type
· /join #channelname
· For example: /join #Bouncer4You will get you into our channel on QuakeNet. It would be appreciated for the free service of our BNC's that you idle this channel.
· Oh and Welcome to your new Bouncer4You Bouncer J
nice "My view on ET" fake :D
its also my view :] hehe
tuurlijk ge kent me toch :p
this fucking "my view on ET" i sooo old and senseless and also about 90% just wrong :o
type "/beep 5000" into IRC
Just blinking once in irssi.
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