spree @ cdc

spree just said i had to come to cdc becuz he's gonna fuck me up

i wasn't gonna go becuz i don't have a team & don't want to spend money on a stupid nerdtrip BUT

if someone pays 1/2 of my costs i will go there and do a 10 round fight ( MMA rules )
o-m-g it's on
its not nice to beat up retarded kids
it is if they ask me to

he's a bodybuilder so he's prolly really confident :)
nah dude, he's mentally handicapped, he doesn't know what he's saying
OMG shut the fuck up with this stuff now, and go clear this things on CDC then...annoying internet-readZ...
Hahahahahahahaha I love this guy he is the best there is! Hes everything there is to be! An artist, superskilled moviemaker, top notch philosopher, really into swedens politics, high-octane sexmachine and e-thug!

Damn I wanna be like spree!

EDIT: Anybody complaining about this post? I thought so, if not I'll take you on at CDC me plus 60 guys vs you gl!
also you forgot e-thug
Ah yeah right! Damnit! But can I be all that now I've proven my terrible engrish? Nah wait, I got it! I'll simply edit my post, put e-thug there and if somebody is bitching about it I'll just round up 60 hooligans and take it at CDC! Fucking great man!
You take on 60 guys irl?
You do know that you cant cheat in RL, so you have no chance,

btw, Long time no see fuskarN^
you are such a fucking idiot. end of.

hmm 07.06. I thought it was around 5 when i came home;,
"don't want to spend money on a stupid nerdtrip"

you are such a cool guy
if you touch spree you fuck with mee,
ill make you blee and run for a tree.
for you shal see i will make you show your wee wee to kiki

edit: btw yeah spree is retarded kid so you pick someone of your own size.. maybe go fight it out with fireBall? I heard he be pimping them hoes
fireball is a turk ... i'd get arrested for racism


i didn't challenge spree , he did
:D maar nu gaan we sexy samen map maken he <3
I remember having him in my friendslist for too long
he needs help
nerdtrip? you know shit
if youy are playing ... it's cool , if you are travelling from belgium to holland and spend about 200€ to SPEC ... you are a fucking retard
de sneek xD
shit hee jij bent zielig.
Is this a girl or a guy fucking Transexueel BiATCH !
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