To synchronyse my ipod to my windows media player library

hi guys...

Here is the deal, I currently have a little problem with my itunes so I decided to use windows media player. The only thing is, I ain't capable to synchronise my ipod with this program (YES I WAS AWARE OF THAT :p.) So I decided to google some, but I didn't found any good alternatives (wmpod) So if anyone knows a good program to use I will be verry happy to be informed of it (A)

best tip gets a free anal job of ins

try pod util.. not sure if it syncs songs ONTO the ipod.. but you can transfer songs from your iPod to PC... so worth a try i guess.

i need a way to sync my ipod with a new database without losing all the songs on my ipod (format owned me)
just reinstall iTunes, if it wont help - format c
i use gtkpod, but it's not available on windows, shame.
im only here to claim the anal job
try floola it works pretty well.
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