22 Mar 2008, 13:09
@ 0.0 LODBIAS:
1) Till what extent can i add the lodbias? Is it fine for pbss to use till 3+ lodbias
2) WTF @ crosshair? why isnt it showing? Can i arrange it?
1) Till what extent can i add the lodbias? Is it fine for pbss to use till 3+ lodbias
2) WTF @ crosshair? why isnt it showing? Can i arrange it?
2. need an external xhair. which is forbidden.
(i think)
2. need an external xhair. which is forbidden
google it
edit: make your crosshair bigger until it appears
+ if ur gonna use it (unnoticed) ull still need external chair and thats 100% illegal.
edit: oops noticed now that you are using rivatuner.. then i dont know.. dont need to use such lamme programs :\
gooood killerboy
it's forbidden to change your gfx details to the lowest and make trees e.g. dissapear
its possible to do that with rivatuner, but u can also OC ur gpu with it, so its not forbidden ofc
AND... rivatuner IS NOT ILLEGAL! It can be used to over/underclock your GPU, or it can be used to get rid of the leaves on the trees etc.. you CAN do forbidden things with it, but it isn't necessarily illegal? (dno, dont care, don't play ET/any game atm actively)
You sir, are a fucking retard :D