ET Pictures - Photoshop

These are my first photoshop works :)

image: 0000000000

image: 0000000001

Comment plz
I dont want to save that
expected more but i cant do it :D
first pic 2much sharpen filter
standard filters?
what suppose to be your point? =X
Need comments/Advice to improve ?
improve what?
they all sux hard and you cant understand nothing in them =*(
I see why they call you a retard

Its my first try ever without tuts and stuff
you know its your first try and you know its ugly so why the hell you ask for opinion?
even you know its crap :/

its terrible
I asked for comments

but you see its terrible so you know what is wrong
now fix what you think

you dont rly expect ppl to guid you step by step about how to make pictures

you did a first try good
now work on the secend in your own way and not others...
Thats the problem , I dont know what to do next

Thats whats the advice is for

Luckily there are still some normal ppl here on cf willing to help instead of only giving negative criticism
then why just not reading a fucking tutorials etc..................................................
Learn to read plz
i know how to read but you fail to understand

you give belgians a bad name =(
every nab can make that, just apply some filters and job done.

no go work on your photoshop skills
Just some photoshop filters.. Dont see what's supposed to be great about it.
Make me the first one then
with antialiasing or without?
also, really not that hard. just blur the upper section and add some colors.
Add darkness. Mess with the color balance and add blur. Don't see why you think it's hard.
Did you miss the part where I said it was my first ?
Well, so what? you wanted comments, you got them. Or do you want people to say 'oh my god that's so awesome' when it's not?
I just hate it when they give comments like IT ISNT HARD DUDE

Well ofc it isnt hard if you already know how to do everything...
yeh, it isn't hard for people that are new to photoshop also.
Standart filters & done in 30 seconds?
waiting for spree to looks into that

a new star is born!!!!!!!!!!!!
To improve ;

- drop the filters
- follow some tutorials, however don't strictly stick to each step, try and experiment with some stuff and see how the outcome turns out.
- Try experimenting with various layer styles, and the brush/ pen tool.

Hmmph I dont like tuts

And the filters were just for some anim
Filter's aren't animations. =/
I know , but is kinda anim style :)
it seems u only use filters try to change some colors and add some c4d thngies ;) it will look much more coolio :)
I did in the first one
euhm...wheres the c4d render?
Ah only colors , I forgot to upload the other one :D
hehe :) wait i'll show u couple :)

image: emt
image: HaloIteChStock
image: uuubah
image: Gun
fucking ugly
woow seriously ...
it sucks
i can do this by myself... and i don't know alot about photoshop :-s
Really guys are you too retarded to read ?

Its my first try ever

I didnt use tuto's and stuff , just tried some stuff...
thx for the "compliment" u fucker :|
Wasnt only for you...
You took a movie-config screen and then added some filter on it? Not so nice...
Like the first one. Contrast is a bit too intense, but the blurring of the background is good. Too bad the original screenshot was taken without proper anti-aliasing as that makes the guy in focus look conspicuously jaggy. The colours and overall look and feel of the second one isn't to my liking. Combining the intense contrast with that particular filter makes it hard to discern the characters and produces some weird colour combinations.
I dont have anti-aliasing :(
Fuck me, thats pro.
omg improve you noob omg omg omg ffs wtf dude wtf
hmm for start, enable AA and AF :)

some good colors tho
I cant enable AA and AF :(

I got a prehistoric gfx card :o
uh? even 3dfx cards have aa and af if im not misstaken?

go enable it in drivers!
I have an Intel GMA 950

No AA or AF option in drivers :(
Anti-aliasing is used to reduce stair-step patterns on the edges of polygons in games. It gives a smoother, slightly blurred look to the edges. Full scene anti-aliasing accomplishes this by rendering each frame at a larger resolution, then scaling it down to fit the actual screen resolution. This can lower the frame rate by a large amount, while increasing quality by a small amount. Usually, increasing the screen resolution is a better tradeoff than turning on anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is only useful for games when a lot of extra graphics performance is available. Intel chipsets with integrated graphics do not support full scene anti-aliasing. Anti-aliased lines are supported in OpenGL* applications
well spend 20 euros and you got AA and AF
Upgrading on a laptop ?

E: I know my chipset has a PCI-E 16x port available , but would the card fit ?
never knew it was laptop, then you are pretty much doomed :/
Well , you can buy the latest Nvidia M cards solely (revolutionary)

But i'm worried about the temperature and the space
Nick no worries it was good for first one :)
So you blurred the upper part of the screenshot and tweaked colors a bit, well done!
And the 2nd picture is just standard usage of charcoal if i remember right =)
i bet u cant do it again
liked the first one.
the second.. mhm sucks somehow
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