Need a RTCW key

I need a RTCW key for the upcoming CUP. I can trade cod 2/ETQW/Q4 key.
Leave me a message or pm me on #team-dESIRE
And ofc if i got a key, i'm looking for a decent team must know me.
ahhaha like anyone wants a ETQW key
he just wants to get rid of his etqw key! :O
like that would happen :D that game is born dead
I have 2 RTCW cdkeys, I am willing to trade as long as the etqw CDKEY is legit...

I will be able to get the cdkey for Friday since I will not be visiting home until then.
If you trade a RTCW key for ETQW you are officially a NUB.
lol, well if you have 2 of the same games, and you could tade 1 for a new game... Which one would be the best offer? Plus my CDKEY my rules :).
rtcw is more alive than quakewars
thats the reason of my comment.
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