DVD VIdeo Mode

Hi, i wanna know how to record video_ts on a DVD+RW in VIDEO MODE (I'm using Nero StartSmart). Its drivin' me crazy, just tried like 5 ways of doing it....
Plz help !
dnno lol
dude mind your spam a bit, I wanna bet you don't wanna get banned :/
Saying 'dunno lol' will get me a ban?
u can't do it that way
u need to burn it as a data dvd, since it's already in video_ts format (as far as I can see from your journal...)
here's my yesterday's prob. now i wanna record it on DVD+RW disc, so i could watch it on TV. but here's the prob. i recorded it on DVD-R, but its not workin, it says you have to record it in VIDEO MODE. helphelphelp
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