The glow of your teeth exudes the courage of raw liver.

Dear Xfire

Yet again TheDuck needs help from know-it-all computer nerds that so ferociously browse the community site. Now it's about the movies! I need to cut out a few scenes from movies I have on my old trusty HDD and most likely will have to make copys of it in a few different formats (both in avi, will prolly have to have them also in mpg, wma, mp4 etc cause you never know how fucked up school pcs can be, do ya?). So here is my question: what program should I use? I'd love to use a program that is 1) small size 2) noob friendly 3) free. Help me zomg! Provider of the best piece of advice gets multiple cookies!


random pic:
image: omfg
Windows moviemaker?
I agree with this pic
virtual dub should do the trick.

edit: atleast in converting the files. but i'm not so sure that you can cut with it.

get sony vegas or use windows movie maker
bah almost forgot about zeh cookies!

image: istockphoto_3945403_chocolate_chip_cookies
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