2 firefox questions

1) am i able to close firefox without losing all my tabs?
2)can i save all my tabs? i mean if i lose am, i can load that build / configuration again with all the tabs?
save your tabs as bookmarks
1) Use opera for that
Firefox 3 Beta 5 > Opera

anyway where are our comments? o_O
isnt the beta not secured and can be full of spywares and stuffs? or FF3 beta 5 > FF2?
It's Fx, not FF...
It is, google it, cba to search for it again myself

edit: oh well i googled it anyway:

It seems to be common to misuse FF as the FireFox abbreviation. Indeed, I can produce countless IRC logs of instances when users bash each other for using incorrect abbreviations.

Often, the FF acronym is associated with Final Fantasy, (FFVI was released in America as FFIII for anyone who doesn't get the reference).

For the record, the proper abbreviation is Fx [mozilla.org].

And if you want official proof:


Scroll down to FAQ - # How do I capitalize Firefox? How do I abbreviate it?

Only the first letter is capitalized (so it's Firefox, not FireFox.) The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx".
everyone uses FF. maybe try doing something else with your time other than being pointlessly anal about some abbreviation
Be a man and admit you're wrong ;)
its obvious i'm wrong, but everyone uses FF - thus you should stfu and stop being anal about meaningless things.
I pitty you :)
what the fuck are you on
FF3 beta 5 > FF2!
admin deleted it :<
just add as homepages @ settings ?

but u cannot save the current opened URLs via some file or smth
1) Capture the old city
2) Repair the water pump
3) Construct the command post

There, you should finish Oasis with these instructions easily!
cool thx but its not what i was asking
my ff asks everytime if I wanted to save the open tabs
Download the Tab mix Firefox addon.
get firefox 3 beta, that asks you to save the tabs when u close firefox...............
its english. i want it hebrew :'( how can i remove that spell checker thing in ff3b5?
Open firefox options (Tools > Options)
image: img_62bf89cc15d2014feaebadb18f46dad7

there. can't belive no one helped you yet, you don't need any extensions for it and it works on older firefox versions also, i'm using 2.0 or sth like that
got that allready, now i need to remove that shit spell checker
well just reinstall your older firefox version where there was no spellchecker and use the option i gave you
noob pala why you need this?
because i dont want to start putting my tabs everything FF is been closed randomaly
you mean like homepage?
have a look at tab mix plus! it's the best for this kind of stuff.

best features in my opinion:
- load tabs from last / before last start
- switch tabs when pointing on them (eg. after 200 ms)
- force firefox to open every link in a new tab
- restore recently closed tabs
- import / export of settings (mine)
i m using it 2 :)
problem solved after dling the beta5...but do you know how to remove that spell checker?
To save tabs in opera takes like.. i don't know.. 5 seconds? :x
image: sessions
opera and hebrew aint working great together
just like hebrew and human language!
Hebrew? i lol'd
Use english then, i mean human language c;
I just use IE8 and i like it |8
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