online poker 5659865

Multitabling at partypoker is FUNFUNFUN , FFS

( i'm svpersmart )

***** Hand History for Game 7100622411 *****
100/200 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (STT Tournament 40351907) - Fri May 30 13:05:12 EDT 2008
Table Turbo 1385746 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: tvs58 (6140)
Seat 2: badbeate (200)
Seat 3: Z_MacClaud_Z (2860)
Seat 4: svpersmart (1740)
Seat 7: enderi111 (1790)
Seat 10: Christa511 (7270)
enderi111 posts small blind (100)
Christa511 posts big blind (200)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to svpersmart [ Ad, Jd ]
tvs58 calls (200)
badbeate folds
Z_MacClaud_Z folds
svpersmart raises (400) to 400
enderi111 folds
Christa511 calls (200)
tvs58 calls (200)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, Th, As ]
Christa511 checks
tvs58 bets (200)
svpersmart raises (800) to 800
Christa511 folds
tvs58 calls (600)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
tvs58 bets (400)
svpersmart raises (540) to 540
svpersmart is all-In.
tvs58 calls (140)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Creating Main Pot with $3980 with svpersmart
** Summary **
Main Pot: 3980
Board: [ 5h Th As Jh Kd ]
tvs58 balance 8380, bet 1740, collected 3980, net +2240 [ Qs Ac ] [ a straight Ten to Ace -- Ac,Kd,Qs,Jh,Th ]
badbeate balance 200, didn't bet (folded)
Z_MacClaud_Z balance 2860, didn't bet (folded)
svpersmart balance 0, lost 1740 [ Ad Jd ] [ two pairs, Aces and Jacks -- Ad,As,Kd,Jd,Jh ]
enderi111 balance 1690, lost 100 (folded)
Christa511 balance 6870, lost 400 (folded)

***** Hand History for Game 7100623880 *****
100/200 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (STT Tournament 40351917) - Fri May 30 13:05:43 EDT 2008
Table Turbo 1385743 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: KyPCa4 (2740)
Seat 3: Skender11 (6850)
Seat 5: svpersmart (1340)
Seat 6: sguedeforLH7 (2580)
Seat 8: Z_MacClaud_Z (2150)
Seat 10: Denise2466 (4340)
sguedeforLH7 posts small blind (100)
Z_MacClaud_Z posts big blind (200)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to svpersmart [ 9s, 9d ]
Denise2466 calls (200)
KyPCa4 folds
Skender11 calls (200)
svpersmart raises (1340) to 1340
svpersmart is all-In.
sguedeforLH7 folds
Z_MacClaud_Z folds
Denise2466 folds
Skender11 calls (1140)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 6d, 3c ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Creating Main Pot with $3180 with svpersmart
** Summary **
Main Pot: 3180
Board: [ 4c 6d 3c 8c 2h ]
KyPCa4 balance 2740, didn't bet (folded)
Skender11 balance 8690, bet 1340, collected 3180, net +1840 [ Jc 7c ] [ a flush, Jack high -- Jc,8c,7c,4c,3c ]
svpersmart balance 0, lost 1340 [ 9s 9d ] [ a pair of Nines -- 9s,9d,8c,6d,4c ]
sguedeforLH7 balance 2480, lost 100 (folded)
Z_MacClaud_Z balance 1950, lost 200 (folded)
Denise2466 balance 4140, lost 200 (folded)
this is interesting
you're so cool
going to start a session now.....gogog upswing!!!
you play good, teach me pls.
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