cooling my pc

hi girls & guys,

any ways to hold my pc stable cold w/o buying cooler n stuff? because it shuts down sometimes. maybe some things i can doin my specs,bios, blaaa?! help?!?
i need a fast opinion cause i wanna play now... :)

thx for ur help..greeeetz2all me loves :D

random song:
don't use it if you're too hot :P

(open a side panel of the case and see if the temps drop, also a nice temporary solution is just putting a ventilator next to it when the case is open)

thats my solution tbh...but im not liking it too much

put ice in it

or u should put sth on ;>
Waiting for "you need to take me to ur home cause I am oh so cool" answers =P

Put Ventilator next to it. Open the window. I guess that's the only working thing... Cause (if not your hardware is broken) all fans should work on teh max when pc is too hot, and if those fans can't call cpu down enough it will shut down.

Am Just an amateur tho :P
Nachmacher :D
proofs? :P
I got screenshot. I will sell you for 200000000000000000$. I have no copies of it.
I'd give u 2$ for (_o_) but thats it!!! :D <3
ok, accepted.
find out what exactly is too hot. if its cpu/gpu maybe check the heat sink compound and check if all fans are spinning
all r spinning... where can i find the heat of cpu n stuff?
get Everest to check them. When you're there you could also check voltages, that could be another reason why the system shuts down with no warning.
mainly +12V, +5V, +3.3V - the actual values of those should not differ more than 5%
clean the coolers inside too much dust decreasing the performance of the vents
[ger]einfach des case weglassen bzw kanns sein das der lüfter leicht staub gefangen hat und nu nicht mehr richtig läuft ? ;>[/ger]
i am not good at this,i wish u good luck :D
always "other" things to be good at, so np imo *g*
xD yes ,i guess so \o/ :D
i heard you are good at beeing unfriendly?
hmm yes ,as queen said i am a bad person :P
duno maybe its supply(do you have info screen of overchiting? or its pc just go off whit no info ? ).i like random song! :d
When was the last time you opened up the case and cleaned all the dust and crap off the fans and intakes? That is one of the most common causes of overheating.
u will start laughing, but this is actually the solution im using aswell :D (loekino's advice)
same, found it out myself xD
i used to use this when my power supply exploded suddenly and started to smoke because the fan was broken :D worked fine until i bought a new one cuz i was fed up about seeing this power supply lying around in my room :)
OMG, thats acctualy me, im a kilt model. Fuck, delete it plx
i dont understand why you dont have a proper fan on your room yet anyway :P

my room is aweful with this weather i would die without it! a fan is your pc solution too! :P
schnee's a bawsack :)
Before i can help you i need your specs, without them i can't tell you anything 'bout BIOS or stuff.
It is also useful to know when it shuts down, anytime? while playing? watching porn orwhatever...

First step is fan cleaning and checking them anyways.

Next steps when i have your data ^^

Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Service Pack Service Pack 2
DirectX (DirectX 9.0c)
Computername AMD-2500
Benutzername saskia

CPU Typ AMD Athlon XP, 1833 MHz (11 x 167) 2500+
Motherboard Name ASRock K7VT4A Pro (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 2 DDR DIMM, Audio, LAN)
Motherboard Chipsatz VIA VT8377A Apollo KT400A
Arbeitsspeicher 1536 MB (DDR SDRAM)
BIOS Typ AMI (08/07/06)
Anschlüsse (COM und LPT) Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)
Anschlüsse (COM und LPT) ECP-Druckeranschluss (LPT1)

Grafikkarte NVIDIA GeForce 6600 (256 MB)
3D-Beschleuniger nVIDIA GeForce 6600 AGP
Monitor Compaq S920 [19" CRT] (1208413665829)

Soundkarte Creative SB Live! (CT4620) Sound Card

IDE Controller VIA Bus-Master-IDE-Controller
SCSI/RAID Controller VIA SATA RAID Controller
Floppy-Laufwerk Diskettenlaufwerk
Festplatte IBM-DTTA-350840 (8 GB, 5400 RPM, Ultra-ATA/33)
Festplatte HDS728080PLAT20 (80 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/133)
Optisches Laufwerk LG DVD-ROM DRD8160B (16x/48x DVD-ROM)
Optisches Laufwerk LITE-ON LTR-40125S (40x/12x/48x CD-RW)
S.M.A.R.T. Festplatten-Status OK

C: (NTFS) 58047 MB (8194 MB frei)
D: (NTFS) 8056 MB (6408 MB frei)
E: (NTFS) 20481 MB (10614 MB frei)
Speicherkapazität 84.6 GB (24.6 GB frei)

Tastatur Standardtastatur (101/102 Tasten) oder Microsoft Natural Keyboard (PS/2)
Maus HID-konforme Maus

Netzwerkkarte VIA-kompatibler Fast Ethernet-Adapter (

Drucker Microsoft Office Document Image Writer
USB1 Controller VIA VT83C572 PCI-USB Controller
USB1 Controller VIA VT83C572 PCI-USB Controller
USB1 Controller VIA VT83C572 PCI-USB Controller
USB1 Controller VIA VT83C572 PCI-USB Controller
USB2 Controller VIA USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller
USB-Geräte USB-HID (Human Interface Device)



[ BIOS ]

BIOS Eigenschaften:
Anbieter American Megatrends Inc.
Version P1.80
Freigabedatum 08/07/2006
Größe 256 KB
Bootunterstützung Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, ATAPI ZIP, LS-120
Fähigkeiten Flash BIOS, Shadow BIOS, Selectable Boot, EDD, BBS
Unterstützte Standards DMI, APM, ACPI, ESCD, PnP
Erweiterungen ISA, PCI, AGP, USB

[ System ]

i cleaned my ;)
well it happens when i start playing, when i listening sometimes music n browsing some sites
First mistake i see is the ASRock board, but nvmd that ;)
Try in BIOS Failsafe Node, maybe it causes less performance, if this is any possible with an ASROck board... *cough*

Next thing is to check the newest Hyperion driver for your chipset, when you have the newest try an older one. (only makes sense when you hadn't porbs with older driver.

Maybe you may try to disable onboard sound, if you didn't yet - i heard there could be some probs.
dear schnee,
plz clean my fans u will find inside me when u open my left side..

in very deep love, ur computer
i did it allrdy !
buy an aquarium and fill it up with oil... build your components into the aquarium

dont forget to keep all the fans cuz they are gonna keep the oil circulating

(gonna do this in the summer)
and you also get the funny smells with that!
:> im gonna try it anyways...

of what smells are u talkin about?
the oil?
Throw a bucket of cold water on it! Duh
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