iPod nano for less than €120?

just decided to order an Apple iPod nano 4GB silver (3G) (MA978*/A)
it costs 115,90 in our local shop

image: 123582

any special prices avi out there?
anyone knows if i got probs (power supply) if i order in USA?
eg: http://www.amazon.com/Apple-iPod-nano-Silver-Generation/dp/B000JO7PIM/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1214731263&sr=8-1
have fun with it :O)
i wish i have one too :(
4gb is nowhere near enough space

i have to keep deleting old/out of favour stuff on my 20gb :o(

re power supply, it will come with US plug pins, but u can get a uk adapater easily enough. apple provides plugs that you can swap with various countries' plugs
i got 30 songs on my mp3 player, and im pretty okyish with them lolz:o)
mate thats like less than half of my rilo kiley collection.

heathen !
my collection (60GB) is on my pc...i also use USB-sticks (2GB, 2GB, 4GB) for my car audio system...
for me no need for more than 10 albums on my iPod...i´ll use it for poker only ;)
as if what ?
u could easily listen to all those songs for 2 days nonstop and u wont hear one fuckin' song 2 times. so plz wtf how often do u listen to music with ur mp3 player ? i mean its just senseless even around 100~ maybe songs should be enough for a normal person its not like that u have 20000 favourite songs.
you'd be surprised. music is a central part of my life, and i take my ipod pretty much everywhere


"100 songs"
i have more than 100 bright eyes songs ...
i think u didnt get my point :-|
no i did, im just saying perhaps i listen to my music a bit more than you do. also what if you want to listen to different things sometimes?

also favourite songs change all the time. the more you listen to something, the more you want to listen to other things else it gets boring. then after a while you move back
4gb is nowhere near enough space
4gb? wtf? I'm running out of space on my 80gb...

Also I don't think nano's are particularly the best for the price, when I got my classic it was just when the price dropped, so it was pretty much the cheapest 80GB player around. I don't know if the same can be said about a nano.

The iPod software is far from great, even with the 6th generation firmware (which actually makes it impossible to replace with your own software)
115.90 is less than 120 yes..
+ very thin
- expensive
- shitty soundquality

there are lots of better mp3-players which cost less, sound better and provide a greater capacity!
the only thing i would give the nano is that its the only one that works with nike+ipod on your arm
I don't understand why people run out of space with amazingly high amounts of music :P

It's not like you will actually listen to all of them at a day (I mean, that would be impossible). I just update songs to my state at that time, whether I'd like a more metallish approach or classical.

I'm fine with my 2GB Nano. Just don't use it that much since I am mostly surrounded by music all the time wherever I go @_@
my 4 favourite artists (bright eyes+rilo kiley+death cab+decemberists) comes to over 2gb easily :o(

plus apple advertise eg a 4gb ipod being able to hold 1000 songs, but thats encoded in AAC128kb/s whereas most "music fans" will download music of at least 192 and normally higher, which basically cuts the capacity in half

my 20gb ipod is 'supposed' to hold 5000 songs, but ive never managed to hold over 3000 songs
Understandable, but I mean things like

Meez: "4gb? wtf? I'm running out of space on my 80gb..."

I never had that amount of music before on my computer in all my life :D Currently have like 10GB and have listened to all of it one time or another, just not able to remember it all (perhaps like 60-80%)
leave them, they wont understand you, spoiled kids
stop being such a retard.

this has nothing to do with being spoiled.
Ofc not mr. iPhone, your not spoiled.... probably had to work in a coalmine to be able to pay it. NERD
i had to work in weekend to able to buy it yes.

and i bought it in america so it was cheap.

You went to fucking america, but your not spoiled!
brilliant comment. i am indeed spoilt because i am a music fan
it just depends on how much you listen to your collection i guess.
Well tbh I only have some simple 1GB mp3 player, but everytime I'm listening music with it, I'm thinking about songs which aren't on it.. Would be nice to have a 80GB then, so I can put my whole collection on it then ^^ :>
"I don't understand why people run out of space with amazingly high amounts of music :P "

Maybe because you play the piano and you don't need memory to play music.. :O
Well I think it's more the fact that ~ 200-300 songs can easily make up for one full day of music (24 hours).
in USA it costs ~140 to 150 Dollars...

anyone ever ordered sth? any known shops?
i ordered from apple online, np
140 Euros, i´ll order in the US for ~90Euros
theres nothin more stupid than ordering at Apple directly ;)
hey, it was my dad who did it for a christmas present about 6 years ago, so im not complaining ! :o)
ok, if it was ur dads fault its ok :)
i got 8GB on my iPhone, and that's just enough. 4GB wouldn't be enough.
I walk on the street with a 1000GB Samsung HDD, I have lot of music. PLEASE everybody who says 4gb not enough is a real idiot.
i love you nonix
funny, few years ago (before ipod fever) everybody liked the 1-2 gb mp3 players but NOW it seems to be small. Oh wait real music fan apeared only in '07-08
i've had

image: ipod_3g

since christmas 2002
u must be some really cool guy in ur school
no, its pretty normal
I had a 1gb mp3 player because I didn't do any walking or excersize. I'm walking ~1-2 hours a day now and 1gb was starting to get irritating
it's a matter of comfort, not continiously having to update your ipod, because in my opinion it's really annoying to do so. Plus the fact i like multiple music genres. Makes 4 gb way to less.
^ what Junkie said

also, when you are away for extended periods, for example, holiday

its more of a convenience than a need.

Also, 4gb nano's were £99, 80gb were £150

£50 for 20 times the space? yes please.
Do you have a job ? I have.
Too dumb to study, to poor for a real ipod. It explains your reaction.
I earn 1000 E :-)
Well if I work 24 hours @ my parttime job i will also earn € 1000... but working fulltime mostly means you're living on your own and that means you have to pay rent (in your case because you cant afford to buy a house with that kind of salery,) gas, water, food etc...
"Too dumb to study, to poor for a real ipod. It explains your reaction. "

Are you proud of this sentence then ?
well it's your own fault, evryone is capable to study, you just decided to refuse. I mean every one got at least one change to study and you fucked up yours. So in that case have fun updating your 4 gb ipod
Believe me that 4 years in High school was the worst part of my life. Was the best move to stop that programming shit (delphi,C++ etc). Now I changed my life i left my country and i live on the beach with my family and i dont give a shit cuz i stopped my school. I have a nice job I would do without salary aswell, so its just a plus i can earn money with that video editing. So I am really happy with myself only problem is make conersation with ppl here it is difficult (they dont speak english i dont speak spanish). I am just back from the beach I played some football with argentin boys, i didnt know them before but it was great fun. I cant wish better to myself.

Oh and by the way I dont have ipod just a sony walkman, and it better quality than that overrated american egomachine. Have fun listening 160gb music in school, oh wait that is useless.

your picture tells everything about urself, u just go to party every weekend this is the happiness of your life.
flash vs. hdd

[in fact in the past you were able to get a 30gb mp3 player with more features by philips for a smaller price than the 4gb ipod nano. people just buy apple for the name and design and neither is worth the money. brand image!]
Clueless people buy apple for the name and design. If I wanted to buy for name/design I'd go for something better. I grabbed an 80gb ipod because it was cheap.
if i wanted ipod for the design/name i would own a colour screen ipod at least

i hate the clickwheel on the classics/4gen+ too :o(
There are lots of clueless people out there (my father included). :P
Well, if for a given price an ipod is the best you can get, then yea why not buy it. But since ipod/Apple is just an "in" thing, Apple can and do put a higher price tag on their products (anyone would).

Here's what customers said about why they bought a certain product:

IBM Thinkpad
"I bought my IBM Thinkpad about a year ago. They are extremely reliable computers, have great specs and are reasonably priced. They are very robust too, they can take the knocks when you are travelling."

Apple MacBook
"I've just got my Apple - I've always wanted one - I think they are the coolest machines. I can't understand why anyone would buy a PC - Apple is just so much more fun. They're beautifully designed and they're just different you know?"

Sony Vaio
"I'm thinking about buying a Sony Vaio. They're not the cheapest laptops but they're still very reasonably priced for such high specification. I would much prefer a Sony to an Acer - I wouldn't be seen dead with one of those."

When it comes to brands you can hear the funniest things.
thinkpads were fucking solid, probably made out of naquadah
Naquadah? So they were self-powering? ;D
naquadah wasn't used only as a power source!

(on second thought I should have said trinium!)
My 8gb Sony Walkman is fine, size wise. I tend to have podcasts and livesets on my MP3 player anyway, they're generally always in mp3 format and relatively low quality anyway.

I keep my real collection on my external hard drive (250GB) in FLAC or OGG, and of course the real CDs for the stuff which I haven't already backed up.

Size is relative to the format and quality, so 80GB could mean lots and lots of downloaded and shitty MP3's, or a relatively small collection of FLAC coverted CDs. For example, Tiesto - Parade of the Athletes is 524MB for 12 songs, and that's still only 1.3 - 1.5 (average) to 1 compression rate.

I bet you're all using shitty head and earphones as well, makes it doubly useless to spend so much ^_^
when you use your ipod on the tube, sound quality is the most important thing

plus i would rather eat my toe than corrupt jenny's voice !

gogo what.cd
I'm sure TosspoT has already said it but I'll say again - get a pair of Shure earphones and you're sorted! PS. send an invite ;)
no discussions bout the size of 4GB beside this line (i only need a good US-store that delivers to germany):

importing from usa means:
+ 19%
+ tax 10% or smth, theres a special rate for mp3 players
quatsch! what a nonsense :)
13,5% is the exactly ammount...but only if don´t write "gift" on it...but that could be a prob if the adress shows a US-shop...but u r right...too much stress...gonna get it tomorrow here
i have the ipod nano 8gb for 100€ ! from zeh lkw gefallen 8D
eh - will there drop another one which u´ll bring to enlarged? xD
dont have a team for the enlarged ;(
np, u r not the only one...though the winner team is already full :P
who is the winner
last year: OMFGNINJAFANTARDS (noor, juice, hannes, zad, zak, tony)...this year?
-> Samsung P2
no touchscreen fo sure! no need at all!
but u r right P2 > iPodTouch
I think I'm going to buy it. You can get it quite cheap (half the official price).
Though I too think a touchscreen might have some downsides.
could u plz tell me where u get the P2 for less than 100 (orig. prize ~160) Euros? That interests me too though i was close to order the iPod @pixelmania today :)
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