itunes is teh sux

got a folder with music - got an ipod shuffle

how do I get that folder with music in a playlist on the ipod.
without adding any aditional songs that are already on my pc - or deleting any songs that are on the ipod.

I'd prefer not using Itunes unless its east & logical.
open itunes > plug in shuffle > sync music to ipod > plug in headphones > dance
You need an program that syncronize iPods, such as ITUNES or check out
You are sucks lazio.
Fucksake Dave, Seriously, i'm only going to tell you this once, - Get a fucking grip, you slag. Pull your finger out and get a move on.
Just sort it out sean, GOD.
FUCK ME, sort your shit son.

How was your holiday btw? Didnt even know you were gone until kev told me, was just assuming you were away sorting yourself THE FUCK OUT.

Where did you go?
Where did I go? Where did YOU go?! Fuck Portugal for 2 weeks, t'was boring.
I was in England for a week looking for you, ya cunt.

EDIT, I CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR EDIT, fucking portugese cunt.
There was no edit! I was wondering whether you'd spot that... guess you sorted it out afterall.
Yea, i fixed up. Now you need to do the same, fuckin hell.
ge moet het automatisch synchroniseren ofzo uitzetten zodat je er liedjes apart kan opzetten
en dan een playlist maken en ze erin slepen

het moet uitgevinkt staan dus :)
no its not if you know how 2 use it
itunes - fail
File -> New Playlist -> Drag Files -> Sync.
muziek handmatig beheren aanzetten
Media Monkey
its supposed to synch automaticly when you plug it in? :D
i love itunes

never any problems syncing my iphone
got the same fucking problem...
apple is the shit.
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