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Finally after a few working nights i finished my project. Sometimes the uni does the students good by forcing us to do stuff.

Some stuff might not work as i just finished it. The MV stuff might be boring. Those are projects we made for the class.

Once again thanks to dundy for hosting.
youre studying on a university?
yeah, we learn engrish
wow the intro was nice :)
How did you make that selfslap? looks awesome ;d

i think he filmed it with a pure white background, then extracted it and put the new video as background layer

you can see the white on the headphones' wire
nah i wish. it was a few hours of painful roto work. otherwise in digital video you should only use red green or blue screen, or you'll have fun keying out with some primitive software (forget the keylighter).
anyways that vid = instant win
The cutting out is quite visible the way it is now and it takes a lot of hours to do it that way. Would It not have been easier to take a green cloth and hang that up behind you so you can filter out the backwall+door etc so all you had to do is put that on top of the 2nd vid of you coming in and slapping? Would've saved you tons of time and the result would've been nicer I guess.
you dont have to tell me. at that time i didnt have anything suitable, and i wanted to it this way anyways. you dont always have the option to greenscreen something out
So you intended to make the cutout visible the way it is?
cmon you hard on, ever heard of a little thing called "test"?
relax, I'm not attacking you, just asking since you said that this is the way you wanted it to so I was just wondering if you deliberately wanted to see it was edited that way.
i wanted to do it this way to see what result it would give me. sometimes you have to work with a scene that has a bad or useless greenscreen, or the scene wasnt intended for greenscreening at all. and the only to do it then is by rotoscoping.
ah I see, you took this as practice to get more training with bad non-greenscreened footage.
Nice, good job. I should do that kind a flash-thingie for one course too.
nice done
and the selfslap...:D
every kid growing on PCs are doing graphics video etc.... have u ever thought that u may not be gifted have u ever painted without using computer and so :s ps : i am not saying this is your case
what does painting have to do with digital design? i dont think you need to especially gifted to make decent stuff, only work hard and care about what you make.
ok i guess your specialization is video so there is no point in pointing out that font u used in headers at your web is terrible and that envelope in contact should be done right opposite it looks like broken depths g2g
the only font i used was the courier, the rest is hand drawn
yes im sure every random kid can easily do motion graphics without putting any dedication or learning into it. obviously you've got no clue how it works.
Does that mean that you can draw but you don´t know how to use your "gift" in computer world?
something like that
this stuff can do almost anyone who spends few weeks on tutorials :s
haha, plz, you've got no idea what you're talking about. if anyone could do motiongraphics by watching a few tutorials (and i don't mean following the tutorial), then why are people being paid for it? everyone is really stupid i guess, and you're the only talented person in the world and if you wanted to, you could be the best motion graphics artist ever, right? :))
lol its easy i download virtual dub and do cl_avidemo 200 right? and then use vegas to resample it to 25 fps right? and i get a supercool looking motionblur and then i just like, boost the saturation at a random value for every map, because that makes any et movie look good rite rite guise?
LoL silly goose !!!!! u gotta use image at 25 final fps like kamz so your slowmotion is 5 fps :XDDDD loLL :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
lol cool good idea i just made 352 test clips wannan watch them lOl ill make a journal

i used saturation +250% because i figured it makes the colours look all deep and people will be lyk "holy shit good quality LoL"
mite wanna try using some radial zoom and glow also hehehe
hehehehehe yeah omg i cant believe i didnt tink of that i mean like i could like sync to the offbeat and it would be like so original and like whenever i get a frag i use vegas glow or sharpen because it looks so kawaii ^_^
too true :XDDDD loL did you see that amv on youtube that a beat that was synced and it had radial zoom it was like woW so great editing A_A

*brain melts*
This is some professional 'stuff' :o
rly nice :)
very nize
what's the name of your study?
i'd like to have flash video like that on my site, currently just directorymode :p
any tutorials or templates for it?
nothing special. make the flvs using the encoder that comes with flash cs3. upload them to a server that allows hotlinking. import video, paste in the link, select the controller interface, and place it on the stage. make swf and/or the html, and put them on the server.

if i was putting something serious together i'd look up the x264 streaming
I can relate to him man, I can relate.

A squirrel did the exact same thing to me when I was younger.
squirrel.. sqzz .. flag... hehehehehehehe get it????!+!? :XDDD LoL
nice. I loved the self slap video :D
pretty cool
not bad not bad ...
very impressive, nice job, well done!
site is pretty nice, not some standard techniques but i would change some fonts. And first video is nice :D your idea?
what fonts? my handwriting kinda sucks since i rarely write anything during the classes :p

which video?
c fonts at bio, other and contact. There is only one video afaik, car crash with two girls.
there are more at other

we made the "script" for that vid which is based on a stereotype about drivers from a city in slovenia. the typography animation was inspired by numerous such clips already existing. its kindof a story line what it shows at the end when it zooms out.
i am also from Slovenia and it is totally the same as u mentioned with that movie. Was talking about that script as u said, how much time did u spend on it?
self slap ftw :DDDDDDDDD
Cool site.
selfslap is made of win!
haha :P like it, GL with your grade :)
I like it :)
nice website ;)
nicely done mister :D
looks very naise
Yo, i like your style :)

my opinion:

I think u should change the font u use in "BIO; MEDIJSKE" etc its too much linear u understand?, next correct me if im wrong but u use 3/4 differente fonts right? and thats is incorrect ..

Other thing, is why differnt borders?
I dont know how to explain in english (IM LOW MAN) its like, your paper its to much "perfect" u can use blur or smth in limits of that paper.

But 8/10 just need adjusts :D well done!
i made that font and it was supposed to be geometric for two reasons. better contrast to the fade between hand sketch of the letters and the digital one, and its easier to draw the letters when you have straight lines and simple curves. you could say there are 3 different "fonts", my hand writing, the big titles and courier new. i was thinking about just getting them all, except for the bio text, to the font used for the big titles, but it would be too much work.

different boarders for what?
u use 2differente boarders in clips etc one simple other with blevel.

I dont like the text its kinda strange, when u compare the rest of website x)
pictures have a different frame than the videos
its okey then:) just my opinion :p

nice page, looks good :)
it's gotta be said, I'm not a fan of flash websites.

you could do the same with pure css +xhtml and it'd look just as good
true. but i hate html and css :p

actually i hate the whole page making stuff and wouldnt have made this if it wasnt a requirement for a class
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