American censorship

Hey, dont know was it posted here already, but here are few videos showing how american stations handle unwanted information regarding Georgia.
Are you chinese and did you feel attacked by the "chinese censor"-topic or are you just retarded and you think it's funny?

Nontheless, censors are useless, there'll always be people evading it.
No, I didnt even looked @ chinese topic untill you mentioned it :P
Just wanted people to see it.
n1ce reply
caught in "crossfire"

you try too hard :/
still, the americans have much to learn about censorship from the russians and the chinese :D
Israel is not bad either.
any reply in favour of israel will give you the ammo to say "see you are brain washed" :d
so i will say that "yes, every country have censorship, most censorship is on army, so we are not different than any other country :~>"
u seem happy about that..
we have nukes :(
what r u still doin here i tot hitler whiped yous out... :/
not surprised
i'd do her
wonder how much the russian goverment paid them?
only because of this comment i decided to watch the video...
thank god brittain, belgium and most of western europe still have strong public broadcasting stations :)
Where's the censorship and / or bias there? o0

The first is a 'people' story - 'n the news channel didn't endorse what she said, just allowed it to be broadcast. 'n since when was the US media pro-Russian?!
the first story was cut off to an advert break basically immediately after she rants about it being georgia's fault. They then come back and say "okay continue" and then gets cut off again when she again starts ranting, I understand America has a shit ton of adverts but surely they don't only have about 20 seconds of actual programming between the adverts?

Secondly, it's a direct feed from the whitehouse press room and when a Russian sounding journalist makes a fair comparison to how the US reacted the feed magically gets cut.

No one is saying the US media is pro-russia, the journal is hilighting the fact that they are completely anti-russian
so lets take a look at the case. explain to me why georgia is threatening own citizens and russia hops over to assist (if i got ur point there)?
The thing is Ossetia is a disputable region, it was de facto independent since 1990, and Russian soldiers where there forever, Georgia knew that by attacking Ossetia they are actualy attacking Russia. In North Ossetia (Russia) there is 500 000 ossetians, compared to 40 000 or so in South Ossetia, and you think they would sit and watch silently?

Russia hasnt made a single serious mistake from its point of interests during this campaign. And if you`l ask why Russia went further into Georgia, from military point of view it would be a dumb thing to miss such an opurtunity to wipe direct enemys army, Tshinvali is about 100km from Tbilisy, while GRAD can launch its rockets up to a 90km range, so at least such a radius should be clean from Georgian artilery to insure safety.
who do u know who attacked whom ?
and i agree wih u that russia doesnt want to miss that chance. after all russia profits and georgia is about to be raped.
well do you know who attacked first?

of course not, unless you live in S.O.

the whole point is that America is completely biased AGAINST russia, and so when someone tries to speak pro-russian, the american media won't have it.

it's not about taking sides, it's about being neutral.

from russia's point of view (in the second video), a whole lot of people in S.O regard themselves as Russian and so when Georgia attacked them, Russia felt like they were personally being attacked and so launched a counter offensive and Georgia got completely outnumbered and outgunned
u can only see that the americans dont know how to censore russian propaganda properly. u dont rly believe what this girls says, do you ? and ofc if this no-brained black woman got no good answer they wont show it on TV but did u even get the question she had 2 answer ?
keen on conspiracy theorys?
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