need a MATH hero !!!

need some help @ math :<

image: formelsn0

how can you not work that :P Its prolly a quadratic equation.

start by finding the LCM ect ect
i had no math like for 3 years, because of vocational school
ask perfo
lol this is so easy, i dont have time atm to solve it, but pm me tomorrow if you cant find a solution, im off
rrrrrrrr, your wrong, O/O isnt zero for sure you know!
was joking...

i know the right solution already...
explain us then ;-)
It's wrong ...
That's why I put ";-)"
Harassing people isn't nice =(
lol pls..
1 year ago i would have solved that but i forgot everything what i learned in maths
cant see anything
oh this is harder then it seems on the first look
fucking holidays...i forgot everything :( :D
divide right by left? and see where you can go from there?

don't know anymore..

so many math pros here... but no one cant say me the slution !?
download derive
i should be able to solve that...
well if my memory serves me right you should multiply the whole equation with b-x and a+x
(a+x)(a+x) / (a+x)(b-x) + (b-x)(b-x) / (a+x)(b-x) = ...


((a+x)² + (b-x)²) / (ab - ax + bx - x²) = ...


find x in: ab - ax + bx - x² = 0

if there exist any, these x are not allowed.

find x in: (a+x)² + (b-x)² = 2a² - 2b²
i have the same result
Yeah, I agree, I made some small mistake :)
that's right...or at least i got the same result!
you're right mate.
+1 thx ur first
you must have felt so relieved when they all told u you were right :P
just filling your inbox
I was here too!
you are our hero!
Im too noob in maths for that ! 1+1 = 2 is enough :<
This is the answer

thats pretty easy,i saw it on first try :D... just multiply the top and bottom of the first fraction by the denomiator of the second, and multiply the top and bottom of teh second fraction by the donimator of the first. now you can fuse the two fractions together since they have a common denomiator.. an this common denomiator is the same as teh denominator of the fraction on the right side of the equation.. saw you can cross it out.. (divide both sides of the equation by the same denominator).. your left with a pretty siumple equation...

and then you end up with b(b+2x)=a(a-2x)

you cant simply it more then that

edit: answer = x= (a-b)/2.. if you plug that in in my equation you end up with 0 =0 which is correct XD
you can simplify it even more. remember: a²-b² = (a+b)(a-b)
well you have:
<=> b² + 2bx = a² - 2ax
<=> 2ax + 2bx = a² - b²
<=> 2x(a+b) = (a+b)(a-b)
<=> 2x = (a-b)
<=> x = (a-b)/2
wow! thats very cool, i didnt see that..your good! thanks :)
/q re-play|Griim @ #qubetemp
Ans is (a-b)/2
like 3 months ago i could have solved it easy, but i luckily forgot everything related to maths after ive finished school
wow, maths is worth it
x = (a-b)/2
I think you already have your solution now.
first you divide it all with 0, then if you have any negative numbers you naturally put them to a square root and tada, the result is 1=-2, which is a totally suitable answer.
solved @ derive
x= +/- inf
x = (a-b)/2
Moi mate. Where have u been? long time no see
moi! I've been kinda inactive for long time, busy with irl stuff etc. But now I try to be more active in ET again :)
x = (a-b)/2
holidays, no maths for me, eventhough its my best subject...too lazy these days/weeks
oh my look at all those supersmart maths superheros in here "OH ROFL FUCKING EASY LOL NO TIME TO SOLVE IT BUT ROFL HOW CAN U NOT UNDERSTAND ROFLFOFLFLFLFflflflFLL"
x = (a-b)/2
x = (a-b)/2
try multiply ... with (b-x)(a+x) ..and u will end to this:

ps. btw i know ur math teacher...
x = (a-b)/2
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