itunes alternative...

Hi guys,
i just bought an ipod nano 8gb and iam searching for some itunes alternative. Id prefer a little prog that converts my music into that ipod format and copies it, since i dont need another shitty mediaplayer like itunes...

thx :)
i like itunes :(
winamp sux at my ipod
winamp supports such things
doesn't ipod have its own software? for creative i've been using creative mediamanager(until i got vista -.- )
itunes is ipods own software, but it sux and there are rumours that it sends out personal data to apple thats why id prefer not using it.
thx for getting the point of this journal :D
yea, i tend to be simpleminded way too often, havent ever used/read about itunes either :$
:( u was mad at me :( *sadface*
well, iTunes IS the official prgram for iPods
get full winamp
iTunes is perfectly fine once you set it up correctly with some plugins
lol i never even knew you could get plugins for itunes. What ones are you using?
I'm to old to notice difference in the quality of different formats :p
I'm using sharepod:

you do simply fire up the exe and start copying files. no installation so it is ideal to put on the ipod itself.
perfect thx, so i can uninstall the songbird shizzzle cause i dont need another fucking media player.
download the latest winamp, theres a plugin so u can add music from ur map to ur device
Install Rockbox you cunt.
why am i a cunt? :<
You bought a nano !
true.. but they have only ipods here, to get another mp3-player i would have to go to the next bigger city which would have been 2 hours in train...
Foobar2000 (+ foo_dop plugin if you want ipod copy support)

foobar is pretty much the best audio player of all three platforms, it's one of the applications I really miss when I use linux/mac :(
omg why noone says this before, i have foobar as my music player....
gonna get that plugin, thx man. <3
too bad it's not as sexeh as winamp can be 8[
That's complete lies, Panels UI was WAY more powerful than winamp skinning options ever will be.
never heard of that, i just remember the default skin options being ugly 8[
winamp ftw!!!!!!
what is wrong with itunes :S
"that ipod format"

You mean mp3, the same format every fucking portable mp3 player uses in the world?
You just bought an old 8GB iPod nano when the new ones are coming out in retailers sometime next week, for the same price but with 16GB? Get a refund, quick!
foobar+plugin. itunes must be the worst program I ever used.
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