Photoshit CS3


Recently I've got the idea to make some newbie bewbie tutorials for tha newbs at Photoshit around here. Well I've made one video atm, and more is coming soon. Stay tuned I guess?

Also this video shows a very basic effect (basic imo) and it's very easy to do for everyone, supposedly. Hope you can keep up and that I didn't do shit too fast.


Photoshop Tutorial One - YouTube

EDIT: I didn't use music, with a purpose. A lot people tend to pause and play these videos, having music on the background would only be annoying.

EDIT2: Tips suggesting improvements are always whalecum.
(Y) gj!
well u can't see nothings. The windows aren't visible. LOL
razien on 11/11/08, 22:28:17 PM | Reply

zoom out your camera please. these would be useful to me seeing as how im complete shit at it but try to make it so u can see the whole screen at once

Is it that unviewable?
in that video i can't understand what u wanna explain.
Let's face something that you already know but don't want to admit : it sucks. There are so much Photoshop tutorials, of any form, for any levels, that yours is just ridiculous. Not only because it is actually not even watchable, if I wanted to do your tutorial, I would probably end up doing something more interestering like staring at Google homepage for 2 hours, but also because it's just that bad.
My my aren't we ridiculously stupid. Just because it doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it won't appeal to others.
First off, because this is just a basic effect it means it can be used in other projects of own choice. It's not like I was attempting to delivering a super duper effect that erects your e-penis, which in your case wouldn't change anyway.
No, no. Seriously, I suggest you really do watch at the Google homepage for 2 hours, instead of posting here.

Also your comment could be summed up in: "It sucks". As you can see you deliver no information relevant as to how to improve or what so ever.
Thanks for being a retard, it is totally appreciated. Do you think this is the best I can do at photoshop? LOLZ.
your kind is unreal to me,
for someone takes his time to share some knowledge with others,
expecting nothing in return,
yet you cant help yourself but flame.

I try to come up with some reason behind your logic, like "having said these, he implies he is a better PS user" or something, but as you dont actually do any critism I believe you are not that either...

whatever the reason might be (in this case I'll opt for "necessary retardness level reached"), why would you flame someone who gives something away for free ?

ps: my first flame (back) on crossfire, let me put the date on my fridge ho ho ho
Ok bambi, sit down, you might be shocked : world isn't nice, internet is worse.
bambi :D

I'd like to read more about a kid's perspective of the world tho
i need an download link + crack or what ever you need to use the full version of photoshop pl0x ;)
Don't got that shit anymore I think. Was a year ago that I dl'd it. But if you pm me your msn I could check.
How about you add some spoken comments to the video, so the real nubs (like me) can figure out what you are doing or trying to achieve? It's also very hard to just concentrate on a clip without sound..
edit: a bigger view would really be helpful too, like some people above me stated allready
True, but at the moment I don't have a microphone, it's broken.
damn, that sux ;-(
here's some money so you can start saving for a new one ;d
Any suggestions as to how I should visualise my tutorials in the video's?
Maybe you could add some text in between scenes to introduce what you are going to do?
Working with arrows etc. would be nice too I guess ^^. (Zoom out the camera to create a bigger overview btw)
I like the MSN part :>
I accidently forgot to cut that out, there was more MSN footage :P
hahah me too :)
I tryed:
image: razed
i little fucked up with pattern overlay!
oh my god youre label hi
you need to have a mic if u want to make more of these tutorials.
and you also need a buddy who is somewhat knowledgeble but not as much as you,
then while doing whatever you wanna do, keep talking to him,
ask him questions and stuff like that

this whole interactive thingy helps the viewer to understand more, and the guy next to you prolly will ask questions that the viewer will have.
I have to say that's a good suggestion, the only problem is finding that other person that would talk to me during that period of time. No one in my family is that interested, nor do I really think anyone would want to do that.
how is this even a tutorial? it's just a movie of some random effects used in a random order for no particular purpose :-/

pointless, and boring while at it
How is the order random?
because the effect achieved itself is random. i sincerely doubt that the first time you used this effect you planned every single step of it. looks like any other random photoshop effect; try some filters and stop when it looks alright.
Isn't that how you find things in the first place? By trying things.
yes, but that does make it random like i said before!

i have no problems with tutorials if you actually show how to do something with different tools/filters with a certain purpose. people can experiment for themselves, no need to make youtube vids out of it.

gl with the next one!
Hehe, thanks.
At least your comments make at least some sense.
you make it.
k ill make it later
stfu I'm busy D::::
Didn't watch the video, I assumed it was about making some faggot banners (I hate them!) and it was zoomed in a little too much for my liking.
No doubt some kids on here would enjoy it though \o/

+ CS4 > CS3
exitspree (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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Probeer volgende keer iets met een render en compositie, niet gewoon wat random effecten. Begrijp me niet verkeerd hoor, het is heel tof dat je mensen probeert te helpen met een tutorial, maar tot je zelf volledig meester bent over Photoshop, en een degelijk visueel inzicht hebt ontwikkeld, moet je echt stoppen met tutorials maken, want je geeft mensen alleen maar het verkeerde mee. Je had overigens wel een mooie tutorial kunnen maken met die outcome, maar dan me smudging ipv effecten. thx anyw!

hes alive!
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