Do you actually differ what happens on the internet from so called 'real life'?
19 Nov 2008, 23:27
Got nothing better to do now, so I thought I should ask a kancer question like this one because I very often see a lot of conversations which seem to be based on "this is not real life". (I've used the term myself sometimes as well)
Do you see the difference between 'real life' and the 'virtual one'? When you answer to that, please also answer to these two questions:
1) If someone sweared your mother and kept talking rude things about her in a face to face conversation, would you punch that person in the face or basically do anything else to him?
2) If someone sweared your mother and kept talking rude things about her during an ET match using the ingame chat and you met the person on a LAN - would you do anything to him at all?
ik ben kanker lul.
Do you see the difference between 'real life' and the 'virtual one'? When you answer to that, please also answer to these two questions:
1) If someone sweared your mother and kept talking rude things about her in a face to face conversation, would you punch that person in the face or basically do anything else to him?
2) If someone sweared your mother and kept talking rude things about her during an ET match using the ingame chat and you met the person on a LAN - would you do anything to him at all?
ik ben kanker lul.
If they are in your face then it's a whole lot more personal that some random person over the internet
2) if it happened on the internet I'd just think they were the typical retard gamer :P pretty much standard smack talk
I would kick the shit out of anyone who chats shit, at lans it's full of fucking pussies anyway, so beat them down.
Who's gonna beat me up at LAN?
Mind :(((
if i forgot you reply to me.
or hide behind a screen
when infact someone could know nothing about
who they are talking to
anything like it in england
you are beat straight dwn to the post
2) its fucking online game, i don't care about such stuff
never fails too ;)
(thanks for writing my thoughts so I didnt have to type that much :D)
so i have a special question for you: you would drink a beer with someone you meet on a LAN eventhough that person did what i described in the journal? that is, if you really meant "i do no't care about such stuff'. p.s. if you're not going to LANs, nevermind - let's say you are
Norway and Thailand are monarchies. In Norway we can mock the king as much as we like, make jokes about him and whatever. He doesn't mean anything significant other than a symbol.
If you fail to wear a yellow shirt every monday(I think) to honor the king in Thailand people will interpret it as an insult to the king and get very angry. Works the same way with RL and online.
The internet culture is first of all characterized by the anonymity of its participants. You can do and say whatever you want with virtually no consequences. Over time this has evolved, and now it's much less of a problem to, for instance, disrespect someones mother than it was earlier.
So do I differ?
I differ the same way that I differ between hanging out with my friends and being at home with my family. I say things differently at home, I do other things at home. Some things I do and say with my friends would not be accepted at home, and the other way around.
if someone said it in real life to me, I'd probably start wondering why I even spend time talking to someone who isnt smart enough to come up with something better and then walk away.
And on a completly different topic:
How's the anti-cheat mod/program going? havent heard of it in a while :(
When asked to write english essays on something that happened to me in my life, I sometimes write about the heartbreak I felt when teams I was in fell apart, or the longing of waiting to once again log into crossfire and become, through a persona, who I was really born to be.
Love you Meez.
on Internets I've always been quite a loudmouth, even tho I've changed my behaving to more mature or at least calmed down nowadays. Generally I don't give a fuck what I or someone else says on Internet.
in IRL I've nearly always been quite considerate. Not during my teenage-tough guy -years (12y-14y) tho :P. Anyway, I can behave well and mostly do so but when I get annoyed, I'm maybe too quick-tempered and that's why I get myself into some very tricky situations every now and then. But I don't get to that point of irritation easily.
(with an exception: while I'm drunk :<)
I get along with everyone well when drunk too but my threshold to become irritated / annoyed is like 0.0001% of normal then. That's why I sometimes get trouble when some rednecks come trying to get a conflict. However, I'm not any kind of a fighter-type and I always find myself being the verbally owning side. Like, sometimes when I'm still finishing my sentence to a random-redneck I start thinking to myself '...Fuuuuck' and thinking about the best possible escape-route :P. I usually come up with something more creative and insulting than 'Your mother is a whore' tho.
Even if they'd say it to me in person I wouldn't punch them unless they know my mom, otherwise they dunno what they're talking about.
when someone does it online I tend to ignore because I know that people are bigger and stronger when they are anonymous and safe, if I met this person on LAN or wherever after I'd ignore him completely, maybe spit in his direction just to let him know what I think of him
2) Nah, + I'm not going to CC5 + its probably the last ET LAN.
Like that, would probably do the same.
If someone says bad words about your mother in the ingame chat its almost the same if someone say it in a phone call or in a text message(sms). I don't like if someone says bad things about my mother i think noone does, ingame chat, phone, sms, msn, blabla other things dont matter. I'd kick that person in the face yes!
you got it man!
2.NO - i have never seen those guys @ LAN
if it's like a german/polish person w/e, then i wont bother because we're never going to meet.
if, on the other hand, it's an englishman, then i'll ask where the fuck do they live. basically if your a car journey away then i'll kick your teeth in. anymore than that then i'm not paying for flights :p
2 ) hell no
2) no
In all fairness I can't ever remember being insulted like that. I don't think I'd ever take anything serious from someone who wasn't 'close' to me. And, using the internet as an excuse for bad behaviour is short-sighted. The problem is the community is full of frustrated kids.
It's probably best to remember that even a fool gets to be young once.
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