ipod touch!!!!

Some questions:

I can donwload games and play them on it without any costs?
How can i get I-net on it?
Are the other nice features?

A guy I know had this future called "shazam" (something like that). If you hear a song you like but you don't know the artist shazam can track it down. Very nice!
i guess you should look for FAQ or smth @ apple site ...
Jailbreak it!
Yes, jailbreak it :)

You need a wi-fi connection

yes, alot of programs can be downloaded when jailbreak, some have real nice features
but if i do this the guarantee will be over ya?.. there are fuckings risks :D
I dunno for sure, haven't heard anyone confirming that
Only if you can't restore the firmware you are fucked. Restore it, and warranty is back.
Jailbreak, just google it you will find everything you need to know about that.
yeah i found, but the guarantee will die :(
Then, enjoy your music only until the end of the guarantee or pay your games ect... on itunes ;(

Theres plenty of free games and shit on itunes after you do that. Thats what i done a few months ago before my warrenty expired - ill probably jailbrake it soon though :)
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