Super easy photoshit tutorial!

Okay so i has gotten qwestions recently on some picture thingy.

SwedenalexL has made a picture of his w/e he lives country blabla /care ends here. Anyway:

image: 2s1rcap

Was the result of his pictur. I was liek, i liek it bettur like dies, so:

image: 2s1rcapnicer2jf6

Nao i got liek da qwestions liek:
¿Cómo lo hizo usted?
Pragne sie z Toba kochac
J'ai besoin de faire pipi?
How did you do it?

Well iets quite simpul:

Take a pictur open it in photoshit and just have that layer thar.

Then! Press Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur...

Set the Radius to 4,5. You can try other variables, see for yourself. Press Okidoki.

Now yuor liek "OMIGAWDD U MADE IT BLURREH!!! KURWA!!" but worreh not we're not dunz yet. (yar)

Go to Edit > Fade Gaussian Blur... or press Shift+Ctrl+F. Set the Mode to Overlay, and keep Opacity on 100%, you can change it if you like, I could care lezzz. Anyway. Press Okidoki again.

This tutorialzzz can give various results, at times it only darkens te picture a lot, and shit. But I care not itz just an effect kthx? lol Anyway w/e I have nothing moar to say.
Simple but nice.

Just like toiletpaper.
indeed and i bet you cant go without it lolz
who cares anyway?
very nice :)
or just go edit curve a bit and you will almost get the same thing in 2 seconds
no thats pure color editing, this also gives a blur effect to it, watch closely.
and makes the picture look too glowy and unnatural, at least put the blur around 2,5
"Pragne sie z Toba kochac"

I can't believe people need a fucking tutorial for this shit.

edit: took all but 10 seconds to recreate in GIMP (launch time included), using something bloated like photoshop for this task seems wasteful

image: b5r17s7y4l89srzyy
took 20 secs for me to do it in photoshop, i guess i could use those extra 10 seconds do to something else
five of those seconds were looking for the "Create From Clipboard" function because I couldn't remember where it was :(
I got asked to share my knowledge by several people, so whatever.
looks noice
Yes I do, and there's a possibility that I'm better at it than you are.
Then don't try to act cool and write proper english
Then why do you write like a retard? And even more important: why would you want to make a landscape scenery softer?
pak em aan pak em aan <3
we need such pic of alexL's biceps

i lack skillz @ photoshop :(
"Pragne sie z Toba kochac" isn't a question :F
LOL this is the hardest "find the difference game" i ever played ;_;
Dude, youve ruined the picture.
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