TAG - Paint your way

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A game created by students from Digipen school that its students are responsible of some game ideas that became trademarks such as Portal.
The point of TAG, 1st person-action platform game, is, that the player have to paint floors and walls in order to move on in the game.
Each paint gives the player a different power, the Anonymousgreen one is JUMP, Anonymousred one is SPEED and the Anonymousblue one is STICK.

You can download the game here!

Controls are:

Movement: WASD
Mouse1: Spray paint
Mouse2: Erase paint

Have fun! I had a lot of fun, finished the game in about 20 minutes, not that hard and yet not that easy.
lolol sounds funny.. dl
fuck im hungry now :(
dling :>

edit: stuck @ level with ramp on the begginin help !:<
already through was nice
:o liked it
A+ for originality =)
This is not original, it's a complete ripoff from that game they showed at tv commercials all the time about a month ago and a another old game which I do not remember the name of.
ye..uhm SOME game SOME commercial => link plz?
You know the game where you see nothing and you shoot paint slugs and it reveals walls and items etc, you see nothing without the paint.
so maybe its like a mini preview or something.. or maybe they just thought about a game and had 2 ideas for it, took one, made it small (TAG) and enjoyable and about the other one, well.. it will be larger and better.. cause the idea was better.. :) or not.. :(
it's rly cool... was nice to play through

Nice, TAG already got a game about themselves.
cool game but really short
got the same...damn notebook
I liked it :>
Was cool but way too short
Is fun to play for a few minutes
I like it :)
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