iTunes :<<<<

Well this program is rly fucked up. Here is my problem:

Not long ago i got my new ipod and i synced it and got all music on the ipod. then i formated comp and installed xp sp3... well i lost all my music videos etc.

now i can't add any new song or video cuz itunes will replace old library with new one (which is almost empty cuz i don't have any music on new xps)..

i just wanna add new album of MIKE JONES without loosing all other songs, but i cant :<

is there anyway to fix this shit. or transfer all stuff from ipod to computer

thx in advance!

edit: problem solved. thx to beggin <3333 much love

turn off auto sync or whatever just left click your ipod in itunes and go to manually something something and check the box, then drag and drop files.
i got auto sync off.,. but what now :x
Then whats the problem? Did you always have it off?
This happened to me before. Just drag the "iTunes Music" folder into iTunes and just format it then sync.

image: x000566632_4
itunes music folder is empty :x

Mabye you have two or more iTunes Music folders. Do a Windows search to find any others.
nop only one.. well point is that i dont have music on the computer anymore. just ipod
Oh sorry I misread your post. Ok download SharePod, and you can transfer all the songs from your iPod to your PC (iTunes folder). Then just import those songs into iTunes and sync.
Theres those bloody teeth again.
Quotethen i formated comp and installed xp

theres your problem
I really dislike Itunes so use Floola instead, not had a problem with it so far and so easy to use.
hey sexy, hows things?
all the better for seeing you!
Not allowing ipod to computer transfer is the MOST RETARTED THING EVER[/i]

Don't have any fucking music on that laptop, and when i use some random program my stupid ipod touch doesn't appear in the interface >:(

If you have an old ipod, just google "ipod to pc" and it will be np!
winamp works with ipods :S
it can transfer music on and from ipod manually
b1bub4bu mike jones:D niggaaa chris brown > all pls
perhaps u should quit putting al those horsecock music @ ur ipod:DDDd
i had the same fkin prob.. my old computer broke..bought a new pc, then i put in my ipod over 25 gb music, AND IT CRASHED BYE BYE MUSIC FFS I COULD KILL MYSELF KK TY.

ahh.. that's off my shoulders :p
all the rap-music got lost. :x

i saw the same problem when i got my new PC, and entered my iphone to it, and bibuy to 15gb music. :xxxxx

(itunes sucks, thats why iphone "sucks" aswell..)
i agree on that one, what kind off bullshit is this.. u can put music on your ipod from your pc, BUT NOT BACK.. what a morons:X
indeed !

And most frustrating thing is that, you can't get music from your friends PC to your iphone / ipod, cuz you will lost all your music if you synchronize it on some other PC.. -___-
yes, just wait till yamipod fucks up ur ipod and u need to re-install it again :p
(loose everything)
it depends on which generation of ipod you got. (never used it only my brother)
but topic opener don't use than yamipod!
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