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nice cams and nice quality but I dont like the popups and try to use another effect for the fast part.
grea quality

music used too many times
when you run it faster for the next frag, change the effect, used too many times and its low
crosshair too big imo
the you killed X isnt so good yet, get better pic for the nade/rifle pics and make something more original like [Rifle symbol] X Killed by YOU
great test afterall, just some points for thinking :)
Thanks for tips! Wanted to sync badly, thats why I used slowmotion alot and it was my first try with moviemaker and moviemod!

P.S Used random font!
the font is fine, just the pic and the order it shows can be changed imo
sync is fine too

btw, when the video start, you show yourself standing but the music is muted, its just wrong.. dno find some way to fix it, i know you want to get the frag at the same time as the song starts to hit, but its not good yet, fix the start

maybe start the movie at the cam, we dont need to see you leaning, start the cam 3 seconds before the song start so you'll get a longer cam, and make the video start from 0-100 velocity
Hmm good idea about cam, but what velocity does?:P
hmm maybe someone will help me to explain, poor english

its like 0 velocity is black, 50 is half black 100 is normal video, 0-100 its means the video starts black and change levels till its normal.. simple vegas effect
oh, thanks for explanation!
sure, pme if you need any other help
no one can understand your poor english :~>
thats what making you so cute :~D
Hi bunny :'o')
hello rabbit :~>
in simple english: fade in/fade out :P just pointing it out.
alright thx :)
Me Likes!
name of song :~D
Sentenced - Lower The Flags
liked the quality and the colors. freecams were ok except the 1st one imo, it moves to a point and then stops, it should fade out while moving, would look better imo, and the crosshair getting all blurred due to the effect looks ugly aswell, try recording without a crosshair and later add one yourself, above the effect layers. tried that myself and it look quite ok, altho on some effects it might look weird/ugly.

all in all, nice.
I still got my recorded stuff, I edit some parts and re upload again!
wrong reply? :D
too low fps for me
It was nice but u made some team damage!! omg omg 8(
muhahhaa np4me:D
use a dif song, this one makes me wanna watch WITA2 again
bad quality, bad music
popups are fucked up

but he tweak it !

Edit: Got it. ^^
Edit: I tweak a little and re upload asap!
bad quality, bad music, bad fonts, nice brightness, shitty cfg (the playernames are lame)
Random font, cmd for remove playernames?
the font is the worst ive ever seen :|
mp4 :<
Cant open it on school
RIP Tenkula
I dont like it.
Camera and music didn't fit the clip, quality was fine.
Yeah font is failzor, even bugged me name<3
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