
Hoi +Fire!
im looking for a reflex camera for up to 500 euro, which should be ease of operation, cuz i never had one before. it should ofc have hq pics, also when taking a photo of the night sky & random snapshots, gr8 colors, gr8 effects, enough pixels, and dno what else

gimme suggestions, if possible also some for 300-400 euro

e: nikon is gay, my nicks not after that brand :s
hahaha mAus made a funny :D
he made a funny ?
fuck off u ugly piece of shit
just don't like where you're trying to take this cuz of your ignorance
(towards certain "figures of speach")

the phrase "made a funny" is mostly used in a sarcastic manner

now go do your homework
Instead of replying with
Quotefuck off u ugly piece of shit
, you could also have said yes, because then you would have confirmed my question which wasn't offensive. I do not understand your last comment, but that could be my English skills which aren't very good, sorry for that.
i prefer nicon.

canon 400d & tamron 28-75 would be best value for a bit more than 500€ (2nd hand)

at least that's what i would buy if i had the money.

there's similar beginnersets from canon,nikon,pentax,sony,olympus with basically no notable differences for noobs, just go to the store and see what u like best.
I wouldnt buy used SLR..
Why not? :P
If it was off fleabay or somewhere you could easily get ripped off, but I'd only buy second hand equipment like that if I can check them out first to look for problems with it! Same goes for lens to check for scratches, fungus, electronic functions etc !!
nothing wrong with buying a used dslr as long as you can get it in your hands before buying
not necessarily imo

if u get hq pictures of the product and maybe even have some warranty left it's well worth it considering the price difference
I'd rather check it myself though
Nikon D3000 18-55 VR Kit (500 euro)
Nikon D60 + AF-S18-55 (440 euro) here some pics with a d40 (its a cheap slr, only 6MP)
yeah, I also started with the D60 back then, only the missing focus motor is pretty annoying since you're limited in lenses then (but for the average shots its more than enough indeed..)

was in big doubt 2 months ago whether I should buy the d90 or d300, thank God I chose the first, loving the film function so much, great add-on!
what m1 said
go to the store, thake it in the hand, make some pics, play with the settings.
after that go to zeh interwebs and buy in eBay

I for myself got the Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Its fkin great and has a lot of settings n stuff
The 5D mk2 is for homos. It has a video feature on there and still no build in flash :ppp
a built-in flash wouldn't be good enough to keep the standard of the other parts i guess
budget too low for a proper cam.
Save up and get the Canon 40D and be just like me, beats most cameras besides the noise handling in various nik*n cameras.

But probably for your budget go for the nik*n D40, nice camera.

Price guide
Also, check flickr for the top used cameras etc
got enough money, just dont wanna spend so much on a hobby i dont know how much ill stick to
Then buy a D40 body or something and get some Sigma/2nd hand lens to go with it!

taking a photo of the night sky - Would need a (good sturdy) tripod, most likely a remote shutter cable, a lot of patience etc
random snapshots - Bleh
gr8 colors - As in nice vibrant colours? Can do that with most + post processing
gr8 effects - What sort? Can do a lot of that post processing with any pics
enough pixels - Enough pixels for what? A lot of misconception when it comes to pixels and people often thing higher pixels = better pics. Doesn't always work like that : )
-wanna shoot grey clouds on black sky e.g.
-could buy a cheapsnapshot cam in addition, but 1 for all would be better
-i mean many colours->good quality. also slight colordifferences visible n stuff, dno, guess any cam got enough
-just some to try random stuff with colors(shiny-matt, colorvariety-rathercantexplain)
-enough to have hq on a 2mx2m silver screen
Don't you be dissing Nikon!!
if you can get 50€ more I suggest getting a canon 1000D 18-55 + 50-200 (don't know if that combination is still in sales though)
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