31 Aug 2009, 13:29
Hoi +Fire!
im looking for a reflex camera for up to 500 euro, which should be ease of operation, cuz i never had one before. it should ofc have hq pics, also when taking a photo of the night sky & random snapshots, gr8 colors, gr8 effects, enough pixels, and dno what else
gimme suggestions, if possible also some for 300-400 euro
e: nikon is gay, my nicks not after that brand :s
im looking for a reflex camera for up to 500 euro, which should be ease of operation, cuz i never had one before. it should ofc have hq pics, also when taking a photo of the night sky & random snapshots, gr8 colors, gr8 effects, enough pixels, and dno what else
gimme suggestions, if possible also some for 300-400 euro
e: nikon is gay, my nicks not after that brand :s
(towards certain "figures of speach")
the phrase "made a funny" is mostly used in a sarcastic manner
now go do your homework
at least that's what i would buy if i had the money.
there's similar beginnersets from canon,nikon,pentax,sony,olympus with basically no notable differences for noobs, just go to the store and see what u like best.
If it was off fleabay or somewhere you could easily get ripped off, but I'd only buy second hand equipment like that if I can check them out first to look for problems with it! Same goes for lens to check for scratches, fungus, electronic functions etc !!
if u get hq pictures of the product and maybe even have some warranty left it's well worth it considering the price difference
Nikon D60 + AF-S18-55 (440 euro) here some pics with a d40 (its a cheap slr, only 6MP)
was in big doubt 2 months ago whether I should buy the d90 or d300, thank God I chose the first, loving the film function so much, great add-on!
go to the store, thake it in the hand, make some pics, play with the settings.
after that go to zeh interwebs and buy in eBay
I for myself got the Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Its fkin great and has a lot of settings n stuff
But probably for your budget go for the nik*n D40, nice camera.
Price guide
Also, check flickr for the top used cameras etc
taking a photo of the night sky - Would need a (good sturdy) tripod, most likely a remote shutter cable, a lot of patience etc
random snapshots - Bleh
gr8 colors - As in nice vibrant colours? Can do that with most + post processing
gr8 effects - What sort? Can do a lot of that post processing with any pics
enough pixels - Enough pixels for what? A lot of misconception when it comes to pixels and people often thing higher pixels = better pics. Doesn't always work like that : )
-could buy a cheapsnapshot cam in addition, but 1 for all would be better
-i mean many colours->good quality. also slight colordifferences visible n stuff, dno, guess any cam got enough
-just some to try random stuff with colors(shiny-matt, colorvariety-rathercantexplain)
-enough to have hq on a 2mx2m silver screen