how to capture using image-et?

firstly, you'd want to have everything setup properly with a separate copy of W:ET 2.60b + etpro 3.2.6
  • create a new empty folder named WET with two subfolders named etmain and etpro
  • copy in it the following files from your current game folder
  • /ET.exe
  • /etmain/mp_bin.pk3,pak{0-2}.pk3,cgame_mp_x86.dll,ui_mp_x86.dll
  • /etpro/etpro-3_2_6.pk3,cgame_mp_x86.dll,ui_mp_x86.dll
  • also copy into etmain custom maps such as adlernest.pk3,supply.pk3,etc
  • extract the contents of image-et into the newly created WET folder
  • create a shortcut pointing to image-et.exe
  • add +set fs_game etpro to the target line
  • click here to download a movie config if you don't already have one
  • place it inside of etmain

now that everything is setup, you are set to perform your very own capture
  • select the demo of your choice and place it into /etpro/demos/
  • create the folder if it doesn't yet exist
  • start the game with image-et using the previously created shortcut
  • load the demo using the replay menu
  • use the keypad keys to seek where you want to capture
  • using the game console, set img_captureFps to your preferred clip framerate
  • common values for framerate include 25 and 30
  • still using console, set img_motionBlur to 1 to enable motion blur
  • press F1 to start capturing
  • watch everything capture in realtime
  • press F2 to stop capturing when you are done

If everything went fine, you should have ended up with a new folder named <screenshots> inside of /etpro/ containing a subfolder with your <demoname> and yet another subfolder with the <timestamp>. it should contain your captured frames. making a movie out of this will be another tutorial by itself /me pokes at ag0n :3
ty, was missing this!
thx, add to the readme when you dl image-et
i tend to code things first then get lazy to write the documentation :]
great job <3 u!
what about an downloadable image-et "pack" with all necessary files in it already?
i'm guessing you are referring to the movie making pack by ag0n. it needs to be updated for image-et and i know he is working on it. but for how, you can do without it unless you know precisely what u need from the pack (pak0 with upscaled textures, for example)
hahahaha wtf madscientist :::::D
how do i control img with the given cvars?
just put them in to my movie cfg or do i make a separate like old image?
they are same as your regular game cvars, you can put them in your movie config or use them at console
When im using that motionsblur command it's like my screen gets all white. You know whats wrong?
could be a bug, can u pm me @ irc? #image
How and where can i see the time on uv mod?
i don't know about uvmod but with etpro, i use the following command show_framecount 1. remember to turn it off during captures
img_capturefps decides what fps are you going to capture with ?

since you have binded F1 as cl_avidemo 1
yes, img_captureFps is final while cl_avidemo is now a toggle cvar. you should set in vdub and vegas the same fps value as img_captureFps
typo in your cfg : bind KP_LEFTARROWimg_demoSeek -10
thx, gonna fix asap
bind f2 "timescale 1; img_motionblur 1; cg_drawroundtimer 0; img_captureFps 90"
Will it be used before the recording starts by image or after?
recording will start on the same frame that you did cl_avidemo 1, all other settings that you did on that frame will work. for example:

/bind x "timescale 1 ; img_motionBlur 1 ; cg_drawRoundTimer 0 ; img_captureFps 90 ; cl_avidemo 1"

to stop capture, use cl_avidemo 0
yes but as i see cl_avidemo 1 is already in ur program and i actually don't need to put it into my cfg, therefor there are some other things i 'd like to change but which i need to bind ingame.
like if i put motionblur on then i get super slowmotion and for forwarding demo i need laggy timescale 1000.
my point is that if i do exactly my bind mentioned above and eg i had before img_capturefps 50 then will the first fram be 50 or 90?
i did not program image-et to capture when you press f1, it's a reference to the config i posted in the howto. to start capture with image-et, u only have to set cl_avidemo to 1 and you can use any bind with it.
are you forced to record with f1? cuz for example if i would wannna sync hitsounds
/bind x "timescale 1 ; img_motionBlur 1 ; cg_drawRoundTimer 0 ; img_captureFps 90 ; cl_avidemo 1"
u can use this also
no, you can use any binds you want, f1 is a reference to the config in the howto
so its also allowed to use exec_at_time?
sure, u can use :)
ok now i got a new problem when i recorded it it wont go to my uvmoviemod/screenshots :[
can you tell me the complete name of your demo file and also, have you tried it on etpro and did it work there?
ahhh it works on etpro ;) but i was wondering when u can also make it for uvmoviemod :o
when i load agons video cfg the demo doesnt work, only works when I /cvar_restart
timescale 1 instead of 0 :o
yes problem solved :D
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