pictures edit programm

I need a very simple programm, where u can edit the pictures/wallpapers. This have to be very simple and do following:

1. do transparence of pcitures.

2. Is there a simple prog out, where u not only can edit/copy/paste rectangular pictures/objects, but of the different form. The prog should be as simple as possible

Thanks in advance!
i need it not for functions, but for pictures :)
u always find simple programs with google
paint doesnt have both functions
maybe irfan view will do what you want

otherwise you are going to have to do a little bit of learning for something like gimp ps psp

unrelated: my room is so cold i am going to download 3dmark and sit behind my pc
thats the point, i dont have much time to face up with it ;)
yarly! paint sucks balls, microsoft didnt even do some small upgrades
gimp or infraview
does Irfanview support both functions?
does alot of things but is better for batching (like doing the same thing 100 times)

gimp is better for individual work

yeh i they both can do it, but remember sometimes you can't output a transparent images in some formats (jpeg cant)
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