Iphone 3GS

Hello all, how can i install paying applications on my iphone please ? :(

would like to have t pain application :(


( i found some applications, installed it on itunes , it appears on itunes as installed but can't find it in my iphone )
Sync your iphone to Itunes.
put it in folder programms @ itunes and then sync your iphone
jailbreak it and download everything for free
go to the app store on the phone, you need to have a registered account with debit/credit card on file afaik
jailbreak it

then u have cydia & installer

just open it and start looking for files u want

U can also download .ispw files on internet once jailbreaked and add with iTunes (section programs)

With Installous (just type in google & install via Cydia) u can download loads of software games etc where u normally have to pay for (exemples: navigation software, need for speed, fastlane, etc etc)

Random apple store suxxx ofc (free stuff & trials suck & pay for it = no can do)
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