playing x264 vids


I recently formatted my pc which basically had a lot of positive aspects to it but it also has a few bad ones and one of these is the fact that I lost all my codec shit etc.

Before I formatted I had downloaded and installed a shitload of videoprograms and codecs which enabled me to basically watch any given .avi smoothly.

Right now I am downloading a lot of old/new fragmovies again, and one of the movies I am experiencing some troubles with is Kris ET movie.

I am not rly into all this codec stuff so I dont rly know why its not playing smoothly but its just laggy and it crashes after like 30 seconds or so.

I have installed windows media player classic / VLC player / bsplayer and I tried to install ffdshow (isnt this supposed to open as soon as u open an avi? cause it doesnt :S) but nothing works. bsplayer and MPC cant even load it and VLC is just laggy.

Anyone with a nice solution? =) thanks in advance!

EDIT: btw I remember installing smth called matroshka splitter (?:D) or smth. will this solve my problem perhaps? ;O(
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