
hoi xFeuer,
i got some pingproblems since 2 days: between around 18 & 22 cet my ping rises from 48 to 146 & the green part of the lagometer rises about 1.9 mm on my 19" this fixable anyhow? the other pc's in the house arent in use at that time, so dno..fault of Germany 1&1?
you actually measured how high the lagometer goes?
Most likely cause that is high usage time of internet in your surrounding area. If you have a router make sure no one is stealing your internetz !
nope allday same amount of o its just strange that i always had a constant ping and just the other day its 100ms more :s
happened to me awhile ago where my ping went to 150, it went away like a week later. Try reseting router and shit ;D
okidoki thx, gna try that & check again next week
Your Provider sucks. They probably got issues with their Accesspoint.
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