IMAGE-ET 0.8.4

Click here to download. New features include popup filter, multiple death animations and numerous other fixes. Due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond my control, this will be my last update on IMAGE-ET. I wish everyone good luck with making some awesome productions :)

ps:#image for support
Thank you, sir
nice effort, but were there any superb movies in the nearest past?!

is it possible for someone to create a "3hs" scanner? does it exist yet, maybe in hannes tool>?
hmmm dont think its that easy, though no idea how the different shots are saved in a demo file. else than that pretty much everything is said to be possible with hannes API :D
actually, i already parse the headshot hitsounds for my demo latency cvar to synchronize it with the actual hit.
it's possible, headshot events are sent to the clients and recorded in demos. so, it should be a trivial.
lol no it is not.

I don't know how to say.
The hs counter is for server only and server send u the number of hs u did. If u try to look how many hs u got in demo u can't see anything, try this and try at ettv too :D : no stats
Meaning you could snap & filter. So it surely is possible :)!
don't think so =D
Quote by Madscientistheadshot events are sent to the clients and recorded in demos.

Meaning it is possible. I should have a play with hannes API if it is released.
If you say so. I know I am right mwhaha!
im "pretty" sure that the headshot is being generated on the client, and therefor not in the demos.

Didnt look into it for some time so i can be wrong


thought through it, does not make sense that the client create the headshot. So idd, if the event is flagged wit the EV_HEADSHOT flag it should be a headshot.

again, did not look into it, but most certainly will :>


following flags are transmitted to clients and "SHOULD" be written to the demo:

#define EF_DEAD 0x00000001 // don't draw a foe marker over players with EF_DEAD
#define EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL 0x00000002 // bmodel is visible, but not solid
#define EF_FORCE_END_FRAME EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL // force client to end of current animation (after loading a savegame)
#define EF_TELEPORT_BIT 0x00000004 // toggled every time the origin abruptly changes
#define EF_READY 0x00000008 // player is ready

#define EF_CROUCHING 0x00000010 // player is crouching
#define EF_MG42_ACTIVE 0x00000020 // currently using an MG42
#define EF_NODRAW 0x00000040 // may have an event, but no model (unspawned items)
#define EF_FIRING 0x00000080 // for lightning gun
#define EF_INHERITSHADER EF_FIRING // some ents will never use EF_FIRING, hijack it for "USESHADER"

#define EF_SPINNING 0x00000100 // (SA) added for level editor control of spinning pickup items
#define EF_BREATH EF_SPINNING // Characters will not have EF_SPINNING set, hijack for drawing character breath
#define EF_TALK 0x00000200 // draw a talk balloon
#define EF_CONNECTION 0x00000400 // draw a connection trouble sprite
#define EF_SMOKINGBLACK 0x00000800 // JPW NERVE -- like EF_SMOKING only darker & bigger

#define EF_HEADSHOT 0x00001000 // last hit to player was head shot (Gordon: NOTE: not last hit, but has BEEN shot in the head since respawn)
#define EF_SMOKING 0x00002000 // DHM - Nerve :: ET_GENERAL ents will emit smoke if set // JPW switched to this after my code change
#define EF_OVERHEATING (EF_SMOKING | EF_SMOKINGBLACK) // ydnar: light smoke/steam effect
#define EF_VOTED 0x00004000 // already cast a vote
#define EF_TAGCONNECT 0x00008000 // connected to another entity via tag
#define EF_MOUNTEDTANK EF_TAGCONNECT // Gordon: duplicated for clarity

#define EF_SPARE3 0x00010000 // Gordon: freed
#define EF_PATH_LINK 0x00020000 // Gordon: linking trains together
#define EF_ZOOMING 0x00040000 // client is zooming
#define EF_PRONE 0x00080000 // player is prone

#define EF_PRONE_MOVING 0x00100000 // player is prone and moving
#define EF_VIEWING_CAMERA 0x00200000 // player is viewing a camera
#define EF_AAGUN_ACTIVE 0x00400000 // Gordon: player is manning an AA gun
#define EF_SPARE0 0x00800000 // Gordon: freed
I haven't been up-to-date with your API lately. Got any improvements or release dates? Or is it released already?
not released yet, but there have been major improvements
QuoteIf u try to look how many hs u got in demo u can't see anything

Hmm, yes you can? I think this varies sometimes though. :D
i never seen my headshot hits acc etc in my demo.

But ofc u can count it yourself as i did for ur movie :d
depends where the video has been recorded, if on ETTV I don't see the accuracy percentage etc., but if it was recorded on a normal server I do see how many headshots I've shoot etc.
wtf i can't :'(
I can too, but not all the time / when I want :<.
the stats you see in demos are generated from the scores command (irrc). so "most probably", if you use scores cmd in wars, you should have them in demo.
busted @ looking at my stats during wars : <
gg, jvais le testé de suite :p
cu @ irc surement pour les soucis xd
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