
you think you are all so cool dropping the N-bomb (n***er) on the internet? you feel great writing racist stuff on internet you bunch of fucktards? i am brown myself and I feel offended by all the 17 y/o kiddies flaming us (me ovie overschie kamz shaky rezhni etc).

I demand that admins to do something about it, because it's just offencive.

thank you for your understanding.

image: racists
I understand you.
I understand you.
be quiet nigger
I support your cause, racism is against the crossfire rules.
You got quite the tan then juicycock.
Niggas wanna pop shit, I pop clips
Bitch, I'll put my dick on ya lips
they pissed...
That rug really tied the room together.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
hey bro, 'sup?
can we say njegga tho?
im feeling with you bro
proof that youre a nigger
image: DSC00964
spot the black guy
told you im a brownie
You haven't even seen black.

Everyone living around the mediterraean looks like that. Stop saying that you're receiving racistic treatment if you're essentially white guy.
image: 2dt807n
Found him!
I count 1, 2, 3 queers, no brownies though.
need that waldo nigger picture :D
I understand you.
welcome to reality.
Hello Motherfucker hey hi how you dering its Weezy F Baby come to
take a shit and urine on these toilet bowl bitches pussy ass niggas
stompin on this beat like a motherfucking sigma bad to the brisle hat to
the rizzle im so official all i need is a whistle bitch named Crystal let
her suck my pistol she opened up her mouth and then i blow her brains
out you aint met a nigga like me you probably never will riders rolling
with me like 11 wheels find out where you living kill you in the kitchen
the feds trying to clip us but we aint even tripping
thats my ringtone nigga
shit song though, just remember the song cuz of Jeezy :((
Nigga what?
call the rest of the ppl wiggers
you are more stupid than the stupid itself
im a jew so u bought me already dunzy.
Personly don't know any n*ggers,nor polaks,nor fin,nor scots,nor .......no one :X
That's because you have no friends.
afbolle donkere
Behalve walenhaat stijgt nu ook de afkeer tov negers!
afbolle witte!
Euh ebt ge het tegen die mokka die ier in mijn plaats ff post?
only niggers can say nigger
you are a racist bcuz i cant say nigger because im not black
thats the spirit!
Millsy who also uses my account is a nigga, he got so much laughs from catalan crew who're always racist and offensive, calling him nigger ape and shit... i told admins, they did fuck all about it, he said something back and warning points/ban....

could easily take crossfire for legal terms of racism and promoting/not preventing racism.
Nigga nigga nigga nigga..... 200% NIGGA!
+fucking1 but that post is quite useless here.. Just read the comments below your post to understand -_- crossfire's members are still young in their mind.. I'm afraid but it can't be take seriously here, we must just show that the maturity can win and learn to live with their retardness.. But it really hurts indeed .
wut poppin nigzz?:x
This journal makes me lol.

All this racism shit is useless and over-hyped trash talk anyways, if someone has more pigment in their skin, they're black, and hence negroes. That's where this "nigger" term first originated from, a slang word for negro.

I'm having trouble deciding which side is dumber - the "racists" or those that oppose "racism". (Racism is a wrong term anyways, as there is just one race here and it's the human race.)

Ok, it's stupid do discriminate people based on their skin color. I understand people having precautions towards various different cultures, religions etc etc. It's natural and it's called xenophobia. Human is a gregarious animal, hence "outsiders" generally receive discriminating treatment.

But it's also stupid (if not even more stupid) to make such a fuss about it. It's ridicilous, there are retards doing this in this very journal. Ok, someone says "nigger" on the street or on the internets, WHO THE FUCK CARES REALLY. It's just a fucking word. Besides, black people say that themselves all the time, so when we're at it, I could just as well claim that I'm being discriminated because it's not socially acceptable for me to say "nigger" whereas another human being can say it.

And then there are these "racist events". Someone has a statue of a pig in a public place, it must be removed because it insults islamic culture. Wut?

Long story short: all this racism-fuss is retarded. Why can't people just go on about their lives.
i bet you watch south park and co and laugh...comment end....
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