EuroCup Prizes and Lan Finals

image: eurocup

Next to the major events, the ClanBase just announced their prize money distribution for the LAN event taking place in august. 3 Games have been picked and their u go:

1. 5.000 €
2. 2.500 €
3. 1.500 €
4. 1.000 €

1. 2.700 €
2. 1.500 €
3. 1.000 €
4. 800 €

1. 2.000 €
2. 1.000 €
3. 600 €

Overall, this means 20.000 € for the two major games CS and WC3 and additional money for the maybe most ambitious competive game. According to their newspost, ClanBase will not have prize money in the CoD2 CTF and not in the ET 6v6 EuroCup:

Quote by clanbaseThe prize distribution of each game is available on its cuppage. LAN finals are scheduled to take place sometime in August. Final dates, location and more detailed information will be posted very soon. Next to € 20000 in prizemoney we will be giving away hardware worth over € 10000 to many of our 92 other cups.


i guess clanbase EC is not so much a priority for teams anymore then is it :-d

go ESL and ET masters \o/
All because of 6on6 ET!
Hopefully the ESL announces another IPS for ET.
EuroCup is all about the prestige, never about the money.
Shit one,

Just make CS 1.6 to 8000 and give ET 2000
if ET was 5on5 we would have had more money!
blame tosspot

this is the most retarded comment. rly.
it was a joke, retard.
It is so funny, i lold. rofl..

btw your nick is a joke as well.
what is your problem? Piss off rat
low flames tbh
Did i hurt your feelings in the past?
fuck clanbase...
It's all Cash's fault!
It kinda sucks that ET is not given a chance eventhough it's one of the biggest games in ClanBase OC/ET, have more signups than for example CS 1.6.

Another thing I don't quite understand is why they put so much money into games they have already "lost" to ESL, as they have more money involved in their leagues. I think ClanBase should focus more on the alternative games (i.e. COD2, CS:S, ET..), but that's just my opinion.
the money takes a year to come.. if it did come it would be like 200 euros... so does anyone really care about the money.. CB EC has always been about the fame
good point in the end
I think that's disgusting... ET is probably in the top3 for the most active/popular games on the CB ladder system and it isn't included there... nice "for the community"... reminds me of another incident...
Stop tagging me mo'fucker
Not in the ladders, but in the cups for sure.
totally agree...
wc3 still aktiv @ cb ? -.-
took me 2 hours to register and another 3 hours to join a ladder.
fuck cb go esl
like I said \o/
key badgers
great - personally I will vote for the other cups like the ESL IPS for my team, if it will be announced again..
Team-Dignitas Rating 7

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