Tech3 Demo API - 0.1

Hi there,

This project kept me busy the last months and i still cant get enough of it! So i would like to share the fun with you!

What is this API?
This API can read and write Demos that are recorded with the idTech3 Demo format. At the moment it supports Quake 3 and basically all their mods, and Enemy Territory with all their mods.
The API makes it fairly simple to get something done, in a very short time. It provides a simple way of hooking into some of the game events like gamestate parsed, snapshot parsed and so on.

What can I do with this API?
Simple. Pretty much everything. Change popups, remove spam, change frametimes, remove lag, change names (this is blocked for a reason), cut demos in pieces, YOU NAME IT.
One could for example write a plugin that outputs the normal ingame console and then pipes the file through statswhore or any similar program. Or one could even write a total new stats parser.
You have basically access to everything for now. I have no clue if this will change in the future, we will see.


How hard is it to get something done?
If you have basic programming skills it should be very easy. Everything is written in C#, the engine also.
Just go download the Visual Studio Express edition and start right away. Reference the attached DLL and keep us posted about your results.

What games are supported?
  • Enemy Territory, and all their mods
  • Enemy Territory TV (experimental for now)
  • Quake3, and all their mods

Installation Instructions
  • Download the attached File.
  • Unzip it.
  • Start a new Project in Visual Studio.
  • Reference the DLL in the Project.
  • Check out the Examples and start right away.

More questions, feedback or anything else? Let me know. Im eager to find out what you guys and girls are up to! I encourage you also to have a look into the snippets forum. And please share your work.
If you consider using this API for some of your Movies or Machinimas, i would be pleased for a small refrence :)

NOTE: This is Alpha Beta Gamma software, we expect it to crash. If it does, report back please
you do all kind of stuff man
sounds nice :) keep up that nice work hannes
Hannes delivers once again! <3

Btw, Quake 3 support also means .. Quake Live support? ;o
no, ql has diffrent netfields
But could it sometime support QL also? :)
depends on the ql devs
wow sounds like something big for the moviemakers !
I think I'll actually have a look a tthis when im home later, sounds.. interesting.
You don't ever seem to stop hannes! Nice work!
QuoteOne could for example write a plugin that outputs the normal ingame console and then pipes the file through statswhore or any similar program. Or one could even write a total new stats parser.

would it be possible to merge different demos then ? cause 1 demo/round = 1 stat wouldnt be so great at all :p
all up to the coders. it is def. possible
nice :o!
That sounds really awesome, nice!
hope you still have enough time to work on wolfpro

edit: quakelive support?
So basically you can make a fragmovie in demo format? - (includes 3 files)


oh yeah.
quake/netquake machinima used to do exactly that :D
movies would come in a package containing mapfiles, demos, sounds, a playlist and if sophisticated enough, a .bat file

Own popups only, yet. Just changed some stuff (and added a GUI to make it easier). Credits to hannes for sharing the source code.

Gonna add the other options later. Just hanging out with some popups stuff now.
awesome <3

the more GUI dev support the greater chance peeps will pick this up / make use of it. Otherwise its very coder / developer orientated (scares most people off ;p).
ye :) i hate to work without a good gui.... anyway this was just a litle test example.. i am adding his code and changing it a bit to my own tool (something i have been develloping for moviemakers....nothng special).
why block the name changer , you can do it with moviemod anyway
can you rewind demos :P
This is a 3rd party tool. It's not a engine hack or mod.
does it have rtcw support?
probably not (yet) def. plan to add it
would be nice
trying to add some stuff to Capture with it.
i am currently working on a Demo 2 avi program.

select demo, select timeframe, click cut, click render (et starts up, renders), soft will merge it into a huff avi.
yeh im not planing on releasing nething properly, just for practice. Haven't used c# before, but since its like java its ok.
that would be awesome and make moviemaking a lot easier (especially for noobies like me)!
great work, I was searching some stats program for CoD4 for example, is it possible with it?
i have no experience at all with cod. sry
Np, I think that CoD4 is based on Q3 engine so its possible to have logfiles from it aswell?
CoD 1 ran on the id Tech 3 engine, the later ones on the IW Engine
cod4 probably still runs on one heavy patched tech3 engine!
all cod engines are based on q3... however, as the time goes on, they're modifying it more and more for every new version of cod
will try it :p
nice, gonna try it when i have the time, happy to see you still involved with ET and doing an awesome work as always :)
so if i got it correctly: it's a program to cut a demo made by ET into pieces like some special kills or obvious moments e.g., and convert it directly into another video-format file like .wmv or .avi ?
<ger> arsch :( </ger>

what then? explain it for intelligent dummies, plz.
This API can read and write Demos that are recorded with the idTech3 Demo format
Change popups, remove spam, change frametimes, remove lag, change names (this is blocked for a reason), cut demos in pieces
This is just some examples of hannes demo parser. He shared the code so we could write some new features etc.

Maybe later, he is going to share that thing you wrote about.

Download my example up. This is a example of what his code can do.
i'm not the coder mate :( i even failed with java codings ...
Yes sure, but you don't have to be a coder to use a tool :P
that's another point.

i'm going to look after it tomorrow :>
Great work hannes thanks for your continued effort for the community :)
wtf man, i just hope you earn enough money in your real job besides providing such excellent stuffs to the community for free. i wont use this tool at all but its just great to see you always come up with new programms and what effort you put in those things :).
It's also pretty fun to code stuff and create something like this :D
Atleast thats how i always experienced it, never did alot of coding though.
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