CB Justify GBookyGate Scandal

Clanbase Eurocup Sup Killerboy has tonight justified his decision to remove Easymode from this seasons Eurocup. The move has enraged the Easymode side who are claiming they broke no rules and should be playing.

In Short Killerboy states:

QuoteBecause perfo and wiaderko were never available to play during weekdays, azatej is not playing, and tekoa left the clan, EM was left with a lineup that could only play on a single day which is bad and they weren't even adjusting at all to playing dates... and with the statement from the players that the clan "seems dead" the decision was to remove them for inactivity instead of "planning for mischief" the better way to put it would be "not planning to play" either way they would have forfeited their matches or played with backups, in both cases they wouldn't have passed. For both me & Homer and an EM Player, we want to make it clear that they were kicked BECAUSE they can not play on days that they WOULD need to play on, they were destined to forfeit-loss every game and the removal is the best option in that case and especially with an attitude of "we can only play sunday deal with it" it left us with no choice of using the delete button.

Read the full post on Clanbase

Easymode declined to give a statement on the matter.
fail team had it coming

edit; removing a team based on one players words + no rules broken = awesome
As I've been trying to justify to Baggiez, when your own teammate sells you out to the head admin - if you were that head admin isnt that hard to ignore?
reason given was that EM were "removed for inactivity"

nowhere does it state that a clan must be actively praccing to play EC nor should they need to, ofc its hard for an admin to ignore what was said but considering the worst thing said was probably:

QuoteI dont know, but im sure they will do crazy stuff in the matches that will follow, I think they wanted one person to leave in the middle of the match yesterday and then aza comes in with a rifle or something, they make stuff up in the moment, cant really tell what they will do, well not yet, but you never know with those guys, they really dont care about anything except being funny between theirselves

thats all speculation as to what might happen, all if's and but's which arent enough for the action taken imo, EM got 5 players for matches required without breaking any rules
you think i wouldn't have removed you guys from the apl? no offense to you, but only Baggiez should be allowed to play in EC from that backup lineup.
well you didnt, did you? i know only baggiez is the only EC worthy player of the backups, you're not telling us anything new
so your next match vs overload would have been another forfeit loss, it should have been played today, perfo & wiaderko werent available, and tekoa /quit since you guys never took anything seriously tbh, that would have left meez, azatej, baggiez +? +?

+ i cba scheduling your matches everytime, adding ppl on msn is too much, next season i will need to phone people on their mobile phones to schedule matches
Meez said he wasnt gonna play the groupstages so it was Aza and Baggiez
perfo is probably just in bed and i could phone him, although i doubt we'd need him to beat overload
i asked him already, he said he wasn't available for tuesday, wednesday and thursday (concert), i swear i tried a lot to get a match as i told you 1/2 weeks ago i didn't insta remove you after the rockit match, but this was just too much effort from my side and nill from yours, and when your own teammate tells me the situation teh clan is, it was the last thing i needed to hear.
Fucking moron, kill you with my pink
lol, silly, they have lio :)
watching the election coverage?

GO GO LIB DEM (and by extension lab)
watched it until 1:30 then went to sleep, woke up to find britain's economy already growing worse :)
pefo is in jail for 3 days
Me, perfo and baggiez are too busy filling our weekdays with WoW.
perfo is away until saturday/sunday, wiaderko, tekoa, meez and azatej are all online right now, if baggiez took perfo's spot they would have a lineup of 5 EC worthy players
pretty sure wiaderko was not available from 21 CET, because we already asked him
i thought it was 22CET that wiadro wasnt available before, either way it varies and wiadro just came on vent like 10mins ago
you think vila would have waited 1 hour 20 minutes for wiaderko to go online? vila nice guy, especially for easy mode :)
then it is them being the assholes, not us.
they offered 4 nights to play, and he already told me that playing after 22:00/30 CET is too late for them since they have school, i think they were quite reasonable to offer 4 dates
you've known for a long time that perfo/wiadro arent available on those times or dates as have they most likely, so he offered to play on 4 nights which both of you probably knew the opponent couldnt play, that is not what i would refer to as reasonable, that is being awkward
maybe overload go to church on sunday :)
im sure they love getting raped by da_bishop
4/5 nights offered , don't play EC if you can only play on 1 day, gtfo lowtard
dont play EC if you're shit and have to cheat, gtfo lowtard

you shouldnt even be allowed back here
Why are you whining lowfag, you're not even playing , go asslick your dad
rather be low than a cheating piece of trash ^___________________________^
No problem with that, now gtfo
i never asked you to reply to me, you're the one that needs to leave here cheese eater.
Cheese eater? If you are trying to use stereotypes , use them with the right country , hahaha
oh yea i forgot, you're not dutch you're belgian, the cheap kind of wannabe dutchies
Go cry at your mummy that you'll never play EC , bb
go cry to your mummy that you need more money to go to other countries to play computer games, bb
Don't worry, i'm sponsored, i'm skilled enough
hey ec player :)

arent you playing with perfo and meez? more cheaters in ec pls
Although I am trying my best to not comment CONSTANTLY on this topic, surely your not comparing perfo's brother and a 13(?) year old meez public cheating to overload's situation? Tbh they are all skilled players, and some of them seem pretty alright on vent (colon ex dee), but what they did was worse.
but their status is the same, unbanned ex-cheater

No matter when or how they cheated, they all served their bans. So don't flame the ex-cheaters when u play with them yourself. And at least 50% of the ET community at least tried a hack once, maybe you too?
I don't see me flaming them. I'm just pointing out the difference in (some cases not even proved) cases.
ye ye perfo's brother u can stop with that crap
random public cheats 3/4+ years ago compared with a whole team cheating IN EC

if you think they're the same, you're just as retarded as vila

trolled hard?
you say that yet you have players that are worse playing EC atm
It's more about how you guys never participate in scheduling a game and aren't open to conversation for scheduling a game, than praccing I think.
it's not my business/job (it is somebodies but apparently they're shit.) games can and have been forced, EM have shown up to them all so far
Not trying to have a discussion with you about this, only trying to give an answer to your questions, based on what I read from killerboy in that huge wall of text.
ya i know but the point of EC is the games (i assume) not all the bullshit leading up to/organising the games and in the area of playing games, we've done nothing wrong :3
A bit of interaction/interest from your side for the games could've prevented this I guess.
QuoteAs I've been trying to justify to Baggiez, when your own teammate sells you out

A couple of days ago I got a phone call when trying to sleep telling me I had an offi and I almost fell for it and got out of bed. All this team does is sell each other out.

QuoteEasymode declined to give a statement on the matter.

You didn't even ask!
Sounds like you got outskilled to me.
I asked Baggiez
Perfo and wiadro can't play any week day now?
perfo has concerts and wiaderko has work till 22:30 CET
and meez is at gym
Meez is hench now, watch it.
Ah, with Donex this would not have happened.
doubt donex would have allowed a lineup with azatej to compete.
Hence this would not have happened.
And thus it wouldn't have happened.
He didn't like haxers

and I'm not saying aza would hax in my opinion
Hah, sounds pretty harsh to decline someone from joining a cup without any proof. :D
Feels like Crossfire has been tabloid-ized over the last few days, with cracker-jack reporter TosspoT. Oh, the drama!
mind y u always so mad. other fins chilled. you have no sauna?
imagine how mad he must be, when failing to deliver obj on frostbite in a grand final, cuz he thinks that hes too leet to choose the safe way
>implying that ladder is harder to snipe than lower
image: hurr
well, i guess you dont fail that likely to walk through a door
anyways, u just didnt want to get dragopanzerd
they didnt break any rules did they? not there fault they managed to be clever than you.
u want to make people hair smooth and silky?
\ (°,°)/
retards,thats all

and even bigger ones are those who actually defend them and state questions like why did they get removed?!
Trolls get the attention they want. And now they rage about this decision to remove them which is more than reasonable.
Hi potty! How's life?
Yea i have no complaints, havent seen you online since cc7 s othought id say hi :)
with the limited knowledge I have, I believe that's the case too
right decision.
bored by boring shit
He's using nVidia 3DVision and those are his 3D goggles.
in 60 years animelinux-club pokemons will be telling this wonderful tale of the greatest troll ever to their grandchildren if they find a way to penetrate a 3D 12-year-old.
CB is ran by kids!

I'm just sayin'!

It's mainly for those that "work"(on paper) for the government and they get extra big pensions which they don't deserve. I'm in the private section so it doesn't affect me. :)
seems understandable :P
I'm already paying for my pension so fuck them, they deserved it. :D
why do you even bother to explain yourself when they obviously dont care about nothing because this makes them think they are cool and leet? they made other ppl play with their nicks on an official and they have no respect for the game or their opponents. this attitude of so-called high skilled ppl is worse for ET then cheaters imo because there are many tards in this site who look up to them.
Quotethey made other ppl play with their nicks on an official

we have no control over what nicks people in our team use... honestly had nothing to do with us
I just read the CB page, and I wonder why would someone ASKS for a late sign up, promising a high skilled line up, knowing his team wont be able to play?

and if you are too pro to play groupstage or whatever, what is it that you want ? you want to play the final right away for instance ? also I dont believe in your sincerity when you say "you had nothing to do with nickfaking".
i honestly went to sleep sometime in mid-afternoon that day, i heard people talking about who would play on vent but i just left it up to them. didn't know what would happen till i woke up
but you see, you didnt answer the question "why do you sign up for a cup LATE, knowing you wont play it?"

also you are stating "you went to bed that day", because "you dont care" ( I guess, right?) then why are you getting pissed off, when you are kicked ?
i went to bed because i was tired and knew perfo & aza wouldn't be available. we could easily afford to throw a game when our group was that easy
There's still something called fairplay ;)
Killerboy <3
oh the drama
Good decision.
Have you actually noticed nobody but EM + random asslickers even remotely cares? Gtfo newspost, not even journal worthy
nobody cares, thats why you whined like a bitch and were one of the people trying to get EM kicked out

you're such a fucking genius its untrue
Adios noname
adios cheaterfag
Noname, the door is on your right upper side
as was the x for your cracked etbot folder, shame you cant follow your own instructions =)
Go back to your anime, nolife scum
go back to watching 22 men fall over on a field with a ball, sad nerd
Millions of people like what I watch, the only specie that likes Anime are 8 year olds and mentally retarded people..
yet another well informed opinion there, cant believe i didnt notice this myself sooner :3
vila i love you
I am telling your made up girlfriend you like men.
I thought one of the factors for even being allowed in EC was having a line-up that has been performing consistently well over "x" amount of time.
seriously, stop giving them so much attention. it was the right decision, noone really cares and they were and are just trolling and laughing about those newsposts anyways.

edit: ouh and stop mentioning gbooky all the time, like anyone cares about e-money. it's not like gbooky was the reason for removing them. this sounds like a bad joke.
You're loving the drama, aren't you :)
u jsut making this up?
lmao. clanbase, you're a fucking moron. easymode, you're a fucking moron
It is normal that they can play only on sundays. It should be good day for everyone.
You crazy? :) A lot of people have family stuff on a sunday, i know in the UK we often have family round or go round to our families houses for sunday dinner usually followed by some socialising and drinking, this doesn't happen on a weekday as often, sunday is actually not a great day at all.
Why is that at LAN you can play on a Saturday afternoon yet if you suggest that online nobody accepts?
You really require a response to that?
We are available more than we are not available (LOL NOLIFERS XD) but apparently it is only expected of us to change our schedules to accommodate others yet nobody else would. Fairer than the UK electoral system.
Because normal people got a REAL LIFE besides their virtual existance and therefore go out once or twice a week. Seriously take part in some rehabilitation project.
Good decision CB on removing them, the real shame is that the actual lineup that everyone thought would play EC didn't or couldn't play, they actually would have been very very strong.
i dont know if you are stupid but real lineup was gonna play, though they only planned to play the games they needed to win
no you don't know much clearly
He appears to know a lot more than you do!
i really don't want to discuss with you because frankly baggiez based on our last chat on irc, that would appear to have been a load of rubbish you said to me, i certainly don't agree with your behaviour in all this
What kapaa said was right. That's a fact. A universal truth. End of.
The fact that they were "going to play" doesn't excuse the behaviour till now including your part in it
You said kapaa was wrong, he wasn't.

Also, easymode did turn up for their final game, as they needed to win it.
you dodge my real point which is based on your behaviour
Sorry, are you my father?

Frankly, you haven't got a fucking clue what
my involvment has been.
no i am not but its my opinion on you and your team and frankly nothing you guys are doing or saying is causing me to change it, they made the right decision removing you because "in my opinion" you guys have been a disgrace, if you dont give a shit you need not reply to my comments!
Quote by Rebeccai dont know if you are stupid but real lineup was gonna play, though they only planned to play the games they needed to win

Quote by eVono you don't know much clearly

This needed clarification. It's been given.
evo's right though with regards to way you acted in this, you've not showered yourself in glory
I had 3 hours to fill before the election show started on Sky
stop the fuzz plz :U
It is likely all this is your fault xD
"we can only play sunday deal with it"
They just did :)
good call
Let's make a great EC lineup on paper, beg for a direct invite, add a bunch of non-EC-worthy players and let them play because half of the team couldn't care less. Never prac and don't even care about scheduling a game. Right decision imo, trollers got served
Yeah man! Sure backfired on us ey :]
Just my opinion :)
It's only teams that are scared to play us that wanted us removed: impact, overload, for example. Depressing that people try to get teams removed rather than losing fairly.
I think those teams are stronger than EM's backup lineup so don't see why they should be afraid. Only if you can field a worthy lineup (what everyone initially expected), we might have some good games. I saw EM Vs Rockit and it was just awful. Don't you think is some kinda intentional deception and unfair treat towards other teams in your group? Giving a 4-0 win to Rockit on a silver plate while "maybe" fielding your big5 for the other games? I said maybe because it could only happen when playing on a sunday if i recall correctly?
that's complete tosh, what you guys did was a disgrace, i would really have liked to see your first team play like i said it could have been a good lineup, however you basically tried to make a mockery out of the competition that some people take seriously even if you dont
Scared ? You're fucking awful.. The only reason I want you fucktards out of EC is the following reason :

_ I proposed 4 ( yes 4!) days to play , I already told Killerboy we can never play on sunday due to many factors. You arrogant fags can't even find some respect to AT LEAST talk to anyone of us (pmmed a bunch of you fags on irc) to try and schedule a date. If you want to play EC and you are only able to play 1 day you can fuckoff and go play something else. You are just annoying people who are actually keen on playing some good games, no sympathy or empathy for you fags, you got what you deserved by behaving this way and now you got owned.

Deal with it.
Yeah well if your team was and is as awesome and good and strong as you claim you would not be in this position now would you. Bunch load of stupid excuses and nothing to back it up. Facts are your out because you messed up no one beat you cause you never played.

I will admit that kicking a team out for not breaking any rules is unfair but that's your own fault. A team signs up to play intends to be part of the competition thus taking a place away from any other team. And what do you do? you mess it up and blame it on everything else... GG
Isn't it their right to do whatever they want @ the matches since they were qualified to do so?
The mistake lies in the invite. Admins could have forseen this.
With your reasoning, it's my cup so i can do whatever i want with it, no?
And obviously we could have forseen this, seriously? How? I think CB really needs a fortune teller.
need more inside infos
You can't seem to follow my reasoning that well, which may be partyl my mistake.
You're the one that's hosting a cup so you're the one that approved EM as a team when they got qualified, right? You're the one that got the "we can only play sunday deal with it"-team into the cup so it would be most fair to let them play even if it's only @ sundays.

And don't tell me this came out of nothing.
lets just make an ec group with the following teams:

the i only play on sunday team
the i only play on monday team
the i only play on thurday team

and so we can have a nice EC, all the teams finish at the same place and all go through to the next round ;D and in the next round the team that matches the day that the other qualifier team choses plays!!

people that can only understand retard explanations go to retarddating.com
Isn't it a team's task to prove themselves worthy of winning? If a team choses not to do so, what can you do to stop them?
KB shouldn't have lied about the reason. Giving a "personal reasons" would have resulted in the same outcome without the drama surrounding it, giving CB a bad name in the end.
Clanbase had a good name already?
nerds got rolled, care
nerds got rolled, care
Shit happens.
Bigbeats ready to step up to EC ;D
i dont like killerboys writing style. its boring and i couldnt even make it further than the first paragraph.
please work on that
epic newspost with great reasoning and logic by the prosecutors. very unbiased and correct.
heh heh trolls mad
heh dave gay.
hihihihi yeah griim they are mad naow
Vittu&#65279; Erä-koira on kunkku
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