New QL Standalone Client Released

In November, the developers of Quake Live announced that the game "will be transitioning out of a web browser and into a standalone, downloadable game by the end of this year." (source)

image: logo_background

This unexpected news was met with mixed feelings of enthusiasm and skepticism from the Quake Live community. Some players were excited to hear that new things will be coming, while others expressed concern about the fact that Mac and Linux will not be supported. A newspost was made on ESREALITY shortly after the initial announcement, and many members have already voiced their opinions there.

Today, United States of America SyncError of the Quake Live staff posted an update:

QuoteWe are happy to announce the first release of the new QUAKE LIVE standalone client. Existing users can easily upgrade by logging in, and downloading the installer when asked. Running QUAKE LIVE from the Start Menu or Desktop will now update your game through the launcher, before loading up QUAKE LIVE and logging you into the website from the built in browser.


Will I have to re-download the game?
For players who already have QUAKE LIVE installed, the transition will be quick. You will download and install a small launcher, and it will update your existing installation files.

Will this affect the subscription service?
No changes to the subscription model are being made at this time.

What will happen to player profiles and match stats?
Player profiles, match stats, clan rosters, and other commonly accessed pages have all been integrated into the standalone client and can be accessed directly in-game without the need of a web-browser. Only the official forum and external links will open in your default web-browser.

Will I keep my player stats?
Yes, player stats will transition along with the standalone version of the game.

Will it still be possible to play through the website?
No, while many of the website functions will remain, the standalone client will replace browser-based play.

What will happen to the website?
Certain functions will remain available on the website even after the update is released. Players will be able to manage certain account settings, view profiles, manage clans, and even launch Pro matches from any web browser. NOTE: Managing and chatting with friends, viewing the match browser, and joining games will require the game to be open.

Will there be Mac/Linux support?
We will be unable to support Mac and Linux clients with this transition. While we have reports from our testers that the game works through emulation or virtualization software, we are unable to support native Mac and Linux versions. If you’re using Mac and Linux and have a paid subscription, you will only be able to access the game using emulation or virtualization software.

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ql is dead since quakecon 2010 and face it, theres no point of releasing standalone client
That's the spirit!
i played a lot ql so i know what im sayin
It's far more active than ET and certainly still worth spending time and effort on. Stop being so depressing!
not worth, because:
- they ruined qlpickup because of subs, u needed to pay to play few "new" maps
- +back gaming sponsored by russians made me rage hard in 70% of duels
- a lot of friends whom played ql stopped playing after they introduced subs on quakecon 2010
- ruined as well hehe

so no, it isnt worth for almost 3 years, dota2/lol/csgo is only worth atm to play tbh

even tox1c said that i had potential to play ql on decent level because of aiming skills but my positioning in ql was horrible, couldnt manage to work with it
All you've done is thrown a bunch of opinions and personal preferences at me. :P Not everyone feels the same way as you!
we do indeed.
Having to subscribe to even be able to vote maps? thats fucking ridiculous and the reason i quit playing it.
I don't think it's ridiculous and have been subscribed to PRO for a while now. What's the difference between paying for features in QL and paying for skins or whatever in LoL? And $3.99 per month is nothing really. :P
you mean some other tox1c or the real toxinator?

about the +back game:
I think in the end everyone's goal in the competitive scene is to win and eliminating risks of getting fragged is one those. Waiting for your enemy to make a mistake of which you can take advantage of is what people are looking for with +back game. e.g rapha wouldn't be so successful if he wouldn't know how to play the game slow and take the edge when his enemy makes a timing mistake or positions himself bad. And as in every sport people adore the superstars and try to copy their settings, "strats", aiming style etc..
he meant polish toxic, quite decent player
so basiclly - u and ur friends too poor to pay for it?
hes right though. its dead. depressing or not

same as any other fps.
A game is not dead until there is no one left playing it. If we're going to compare the activity level of every single game out there to LoL, then obviously the majority of them are going to seem "dead" but it's literally inaccurate to describe a game that way if there are still active players.
ready to roll
Ql is actually pretty active. It will always be one of the best FPS so ofc it's worth playing, it's so much fun.
Indeed, in fact I'd argue that it takes more individual skill to be successful in QL than in any other FPS game. I've been playing off and on for the past year or so, and I love it!
Well as I almost stopped playing Extraction for now I am back to ql and I must say I don't know why I stopped playing this game. It's just too awesome not to be played.
I'm not sure if anyone disagrees with the skill needed to be successful in QL tbh, they have the reaction times of CS and CoD players, the weapon control of CS players and the tracking abilities of ET players.

At one point I used Q3 and later QL to practice aiming for ET, as it's so much more demanding.
Even if we disregard aim (which undoubtedly plays a huge role), having the ability to perfectly time 3-4 items at once is just insane. Don't wanna sound like too much of a fanboy here, but I have so much respect for the top players in QL as I know I'll never be anywhere near that level. :P
only few players time 3-4 items [rapha spartie agent cooller when he has too]

most of them cycle the items. eg: cypher times only mh to the second, he get armour by order.

whats scary about top ql players is ability to multitask: items + position + planning next move + reading opponents + awarness of enemy stack + aiming. and they can play like this for hours
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. :P Pretty sick!
signingup for cb ql eurocup 2k14
They might just force some shitty 'anti'cheat
There is already a built-in anticheat for Quake Live, so unfortunately you have nothing to boycott. :( I'm sure you'll think of something though!
Not sure why you keep using the word 'boycot'
I figured that "boycotting" sounds better than "attention whoring", but call it whatever you want.
You seem to be more obsessed with ClanBase than I am, considering the fact that I didn't even mention CB in my newspost! Fret not, however... there is medication available for all sorts of addictions. I'll send you some links via PM if you want. :P
he needs the bottle of milk!
is there any game with competitive instagib duels at the moment?
competitively? where?
QL is great, but this new standalone client is pretty shit atm, hope it will improve. Anyway quake is older than ET but its still way more active, there are a lot of players and also a lot of viewers (around 5000), and the QL community is just so much better tbh... they even donate their own money for online cups and for lan prize rasies etc, its just so nice to see :|
some people from et/rtcw community are donating to them too.. :d it's just been a very long time since the et community has had a cup running with donations (or anything requiring donations).

this is the last time I saw something about donations in ET and the response was actually pretty good besides the obvious closet-nerds who made replies there (Poland syriusz, Denmark adi/zeec and some Belgium guys).
wow!!!! wooooow!!!!
im actually surprised you didn't make any negative comment. :s
im no negative person when im drunk!!!
haha nerds still mad I see. If you start a foundation "helping poor geeks to stop playing dead game" I will insta donate 100e.
nerd still in closet
my closet is bigger than your kennel, gg no re.
you've confused yourself here.
I dont know what you are talking about, I think playing a dead game for 10 years has done permanent damage to your brain, gg.
I think being stuck in your closet for 10 years with these delusions that you aren't a nerd has done some serious damage to your social life. but hey who needs friends when you have starcraft!!
No man I am a nerd. The difference is I am a royal one and you are a peasant. I have more friends on sc2 than you on fb, how mad are you now ?
I'm glad you finally came out of the closet, today is a step in the right direction for you.
ruined QL experience for me and cant play anymore coz of that shit =// but its the best FPS around with a great community .
happy nerding!
shit game only noob play it
Looks and feels great now. Yesterday it felt like my fps was stuttering and it made my mouse movement kinda jittered, but now when I played few games It felt amazing with the 250 fps increase. I'm happy :)

Perhaps we could try and play some TDM games? join
I prefer old fashioned browser games instead of this next gen "stand-alone client" wizardry.
Lemme recap this : they make a browser version of a standalone game, then make a standalone out of the browser game?
What the hell is this inception ?
chrome stopped supporting plugin so they had to do it :)
Don't really care I only want to be able to play cpma or something similar on QL.
I know it's not exactly cpm but I've seen a lot of activity in pql ca recently.
PQL CA on Mino's / Xtrance's server is pretty fun.
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