CyberGamer EU: A New Home for ET

With ESL dropping support for ET in May and ClanBase shutting down entirely last month, teams were left with no competitive ladders to participate in. By simply taking a quick look at the GamesTV match schedule, it is obvious that the lack of a ladder system is rather detrimental to the activity level of our beloved game. However, thanks to some help from Netherlands timbolina, I was able to get in contact with a CoD4 league who is interested in providing the ET community with ladders and more.

I am very happy to announce that CyberGamer EU now officially supports ET!

image: 81XpmVt

CyberGamer (CG) is a competitive gaming league that was founded by two Australian gamers in April 2007. It was originally for AU only, until July 2011 when CyberGamer Europe was launched. Today, the CG EU PC platform supports three games: Call of Duty 4, League of Legends, and Enemy Territory.

The Australian ET scene, led by Australia biggz and Australia volta, has been involved with cups and ladders on CG AU for several years, but CG EU has never had an official ET section - until now, at least!

CyberGamer has been kind enough to offer us a brand new CG EU Enemy Territory section on their website for running cups, ladders, and more, and are even in the process of developing their own anticheat called CGAC. The anticheat was released very recently and can only be used in CoD4 at the moment, but they are still working on it and may introduce a version for ET as well. I've also been told that a new CG website will be coming in a few months with some vast improvements.

So without further ado, here are the two new CG ET ladders:

CyberGamer ET 6on6 Ladder

Create a team - Read the rules

CyberGamer ET 3on3 Ladder

Create a team - Read the rules
image: GZgeEm3

The structure, rules, and maplists should be familiar as they are very similar to those which we had at ClanBase. However, please read the ladder rules carefully before playing.

Finally, allow me to introduce the four CG ET admins:

Slovenia Aniky
Canada embarrassed
United States of America ohurcool
Poland szczurek

As you can see, I will be joined by Aniky and szczurek from the ClanBase ET crew as well as embarrassed from the GamesTV admin team. We are very excited about this new opportunity and will be doing our best to ensure it is a success!

My suggestion is to check out the FAQ before doing anything else, since it may take some time to get used to how things work on CyberGamer.

Any questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to join and idle on our new IRC channel:!

Enemy Territory makes its way to CyberGamer EU

CyberGamer EU Enemy Territory
et alive, gl men
e : even if i heard of cg i never really paid attention to their structure but it looks cool
Great news! time for me to reclaim my golden pocals on the ladders.
theres a pocal for being last? :o
Well done boys
site seems smooth as silk
wb Arnoldm8
bb azpilQ :(
Thank you timbolina! :) And also thank you ohurcool :)
gMen 1st in 6o6 ladder, u mad guys?
nice, what about bans ? everyone allowed to play now?
no. sw1ruz is not allowed to play
mhm never liked sw1ruz , i prefer playing with azpilQ
to sie nazywa zespol downa
We have not banned anyone on CG yet and won't be enforcing bans from ClanBase since it is simply impossible to properly do so without access to the CB database. However, we will of course be banning anyone who is caught cheating or otherwise breaking the rules, and if it is someone who was banned on ClanBase then his punishment will most likely be much harsher than usual.
So m1tja return possible? That's the second best news after this :D
ofc im back alrdy wtf <3 :D:DD
msg me when you have more then 50 players, active players
There are far more than 50 players actively playing ET. :) We had 18 6on6 teams participating in the Christmas ODC last Sunday, which is 108 players if my math is correct.
and every team must have BACKUPS...

Good job ohurcool
And every team at least played with m1tja one round so -17
why would they bother messaging you? just wondering.
i could consider installing the game and play wars, but it seems like dead game is dead
you aren't needed here =) boring attitude.
Ok, I stop offending people and let them enjoy dead game.


R.I.P W:ET best FPS ever : >
that would be cool, letting people enjoy a game. :)
and you didnt even had to ban me. See? I am a nice guy, saving time and making people happy.

why would I ban you? not my style.
see? that is not the true community, et, cf anymore :D
you make absolutely no sense. :P sorry.
legyél már inkább gold hogy legyen kivel duoznom végre
good job
Nice! Great news.
No these guys seems cool enough,unlike CB who never claimed us of being a all ever cups winners,they paid for it.
Also,bigzz is a known master lagger at CG,hes gonna gife us some wins like baq did..
Tssss, be quiet!!
You still alive? =O
well done dude
yes, but 2bad, you cant cheat anymore
n who the fuck are you? Lol Go away little girl I don't even play this game anymore
Good job, oh and ESL might come back ;) it depends on ESL GameCoordinations team at the moment, since I personaly think that ET needs some anticheat.
you are so true with that anticheat bro
Well i'm sure cybergamer will update anticheat for ET also, so no worries^^ I think ohurcool is already negotiating. Also cybergamer is giving a big visibility to ET, like ESL versus will/would.
keep me updating with esl
well done, great news :)
great job guys...well done :)

looking forward to some gaming yo
Good job guys :)
cu 3v3 CG ladder

I have man love/crash on you and bimbotlina.

Awesome :')
good admin, et is saved
ET saviours gg :)
Good luck
Nice, apart from ladders, can we expect any bigger cups anytime soon?
Eventually, yes. We're just taking things one step at a time and focusing on ladders for now.
Time to get practising, no?
That depends entirely on your Mr. I'm too good to be spending my free time playing games.
I'm free when you want me to be free! Except Tuesdays, I can't do Tuesdays.
Of course not, who does Tuesdays. That'd be silly.
I can play, but ONLY on Tuesdays, which one do you choose?
Sheep out, God Lepari in. Decisions were made, sorry Sheep. Cu on Tuesday.
well done timbolina, ohurcool & co!

I hope there are many people coming back and ET's activity will increase.

GL with it :)
yo rakji :) we can play again bruvaaaa
nah mate :(
deinstalled et like 1 month ago and wont install it again :b
wtf? why? :S
no time anymore :(
Well done!
Great! Now the same 20 players can keep playing 3o3 mixes against eachother on GTV for all 5 viewers.
get friends
ok will do bobika
this nigga mad
meh y u so butthurt midget? ;s
Wow, to read a post like this from you.

I dont even play the game anymore, but about a year ago you and your other Decerto nerds were praccing 6 days a week. Hell even at lan when we (onepoundfish) turned up 10mins before the game was about to start, still hungover from the night before, we were told you guys had been there for an hour warming up etc.

I guess with all that hard effort and time you put in, to be destroyed in numerous finals (having come from the WB and still losing) and not actually winning anything in the game, it hurt you that much that you abuse others that still spend time playing this game. I am sorry that i had such a negative affect on your life.
Damn dude, you have some crazy delusions.
Aren't you the guy who told mAus he can't drink le beer cuz final incoming?
r0ss can't have been sober. cc3/cc4 he was absolutely trashed and started fighting a glass door :D
Was it like "OI WHO YA LOOKIN AT FATTY" chat with his reflection? xD
Not sure why you're getting flamed in the comments lol, it's true.
A vast majority of people playing ladders seem to want their games on ETTV for whatever reason. GTV used to be (is?) clogged up by people playing 3on3 ladder matches with little to no viewers. Which is fine I guess if people want to do that. Personally it always annoyed me though when your opponents always insist on setting up ETTV for some random match, bit of a time waster imo.
It doesnt add anything, they could get all 6 players and 5 viewers on the same gameserver.
The fact that R0SS replied with 2 paragraphs with false information makes my comment worth it.
gj, now get tzac bans forced and keep the per demo cb banned players banned off it
Best news this year so far :)

Well done Jon and timbo

And thanks to cyber gamers for allowing et
well done, im serious
i came back coz of this. well done guys
koniec szopki
faced it yesterday :D
NorwayReenz lets do this!!!
lol that cheating bitch still around?
good job!

E: no anticheat? time for epica comeback :O)
tell stouda to come back i miss his manly voice
it makes my titties diggy diggy
he is she now, just sayin
comeback time i will dominate all
GG we doomed
great news! good job guys. :)

turns out I already made an account on CG 3 years ago. :S
lol oldskooler
Msg me on fb
nice to see and thanks at timbo and his effort
that's great! keep up the good work !
good job!
good job!
Nice work! GL!
Good job!
nice and gl lads, hopefully you can use the CG AC soon as well.
Got 2012 account, such oldschool xD nice to see some move, sucks to see admin crew was not improved

gl sw1ruz, Weslann and other banned people that can have a fresh start
2009, come at me
Gj @ registering in convict league! :D
zacieram raczki!
no się kurwa doczekałeś :D
Nice, registered.
Add: blackxzic
make account & join RD team man
already made an account. just add me. here my profile
When can we expect a decent ac?
good job m8s!
h0h0h0 happy new year

nice :=) gj ppl
Great job! :)

well fucking done!

expect 2 epic fin teams back, i have some clues
ok lets play - gj
Gonna ask same thing here as I did in your post on CG itself: "Is there a chance of them making the CGAC compatible with ET in the (near) future?"
QuoteCyberGamer has been kind enough to offer us a brand new CG EU Enemy Territory section on their website for running cups, ladders, and more, and are even in the process of developing their own anticheat called CGAC. The anticheat was released very recently and can only be used in CoD4 at the moment, but they are still working on it and may introduce a version for ET as well.
he cannot into read properly, dont blame him
I read the news on the CG site where there is no mention of it. Hence the redundant question
with malware?
finally we will be able to see sw1iruz and azpiliqueta in one team :XD
azpiliqueta already benched, sw1ruz comeback
Need clan.
Do I need to create two different teams for 3v3 and 6v6 ladders? or is there any way to join with my 6v6 team to 3v3 ladder as well, because it looks like I cannot spot it.
Yes, you'll have to create two teams if you want to play in both the 3on3 and 6on6 ladders. As the FAQ says, you can only join one ladder per team since they are different "game types".

There is also an option to create an organization where you can add both your teams so that everything is still on one page.
okay thanks
Awesome! Thanks guys :)
avi for Team-PL
time for high5 comeback
gj biggz and volta :P
zajebiscie kurwa~!!!
Time for a comeback of hummel and HighBot xD
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image: Are_You_Kidding_Me
erm, who are the guys in the first team? fake nicks?
Good job guys :>
Nice work :). Been inactive for a little while now, undortunately this will not bring me back, I never left because it was dying anyways:).

I'm not sure how many players left ET but I can see from it's high player count in 2006, this game has dropped significantly.

People play ET and finally leave when they've found the real world. Most people started ET as a teenager and had to leave when real life took hold.

If you're a teenager and are thinking about quitting, DONT. Life doesn't get any better outside, intact it just gets pathetic. Keep playing ET, I wish I did, I reached high before I quit and I only quit because of vagina. There's no way of having a healthy balance.

The end
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