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image: cic7-teaserIts time for the information you've all been waiting for! Yes after many many questions about when the information about the Quakelive tournament will take place it is the moment you've all been waiting for!

UPDATE - Signups for the tournament close on Sunday at 21:00 CET. The tournament is capped at 32 players!

How to Signup - To signup for the Quakelive tournament at CIC7 you need to send €10 to the CF Paypal account (stuart at quadv dot com) with your gamer name. In order to signup you must be a CF community member. The qualifying criteria for this that you have one of the following: Post regularly on CF or Playing in CIC7 or Have played at a previous CC event or Have an account 18 months or more old. If you are not sure whether you qualify simply post below. Signups are limited to 32, and its first come first serve!

Prizes - 1st Place Intel Core i7 975 (RRP $1000) 2nd Place - Intel Core i7 870 (RRP $600)

Intel Motherboards to be won!

image: mobologoThe Intel Motherboard department have given us 10 motherboards to give away as prizes for the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7. The motherboards are brand spanking new gaming specification and work naturally with the latest Intel Core Family of processors. The prizes will be split between the first place teams in Call of Duty 4 and Enemy Teritory.

Enemy Teritory - 5 x Intel DP55KG Desktop Boards (RRP $220)
Call of Duty 4 - 5 x Intel DP55SB Desktop Boards (RRP $215)

Both motherboards are enthusiast class with plenty of overclocking capabilities and features such as built in bluetooth and of course SLi & Crossfire support. For overclocking support the board provides software support and adds a back to bios button to prevent bios resetting when going overboard with your overclocking!

On top of that, we will be announcing the details for the Quake Live tournament with the processors provided by the motherboard team. There will also be a number of other prizes provided by Intel to be won at the event for competitors and spectators!

:: About Intel Motherboards

GGL Bought for $2.5m

The GGL, the parent company behind Clanbase have today been bought for a staggering $2.5million. The GGL has had a colourful history in eSports with famed tournaments and large scale investment in early years followed up by massive debts to gamers and gaming companies. From CNN this is the story:

PrismOne Group, Inc. announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase Professional Interactive Entertainment and its related entities (owned, controlled, parent and/or subsidiary), “GGL Global Gaming” (www.ggl.com). The purchase agreement includes $2.5 million dollars of initial financing, and is a major change to the current PMOZ business plan. PMOZ Chairman and CEO Samir Burshan commented, “this new GGL direction is an exciting growth opportunity for our company. GGL has more than 2.7 million registered members. Their technology is superior and their growth is just now beginning.

Whilst to many gamers the GGL's reputation can be only be described as bad at best, one shouldnt forget that the GGL has concluded on several 7 figure marketing deals and promotions beyond that of many companies operating in eSports, it can only be assumed that that potential is what is being purchased. There is no word on the debts.


YYT oust Jere for wiadro

Lovable belgian star Jere has been ousted from team YoYoTech just 24 hours after the CC7 payment deadline closes. The team have decided to go with polish player Wiadro to bolster their lineup ahead of the event, for Jere it is bitter sweet having been with the organisation for a long time and having been apart of the lineup that got them into one of the largest multigaming organisations supporting ET.

That leaves YoYoTech with the following lineup:

United Kingdom Ross
Malta Toxic
Belgium Worm
Finland twidi
Poland Wiadro

The move is seen by many as something of a transfer coup by YoYoTech who are rumoured to have snared Wiadro from under the noses of Team Rockit who were planning on bringing in Wiadro and Xylos into their lineup - it is rumoured that Wiadro stated to Rockit he couldn't practice with them tonight due to a family problem, only to show up in YYT's lineup. Prior to being linked with a move to Rockit, Wiadro was also penciled in for the new lineup of eCW.

YoYoTech confirmed that the removal of Jere was down to his connection issues hindering their practices for 2 weeks with him being constantly 999 and the team unable to prepare properly.

:: Meez has provided this visual explanation of tonights events
:: Homer has Interviewed Jere and R0SS

Jere had the following to say:

CIC7 Tournaments Full!

Tonight saw the closing of signups for CIC7 with a real flurry of last minute ET action to take the team count to its highest ever! 34 ET teams have either paid or have contacted to say they will have paid by Wednesday. 34 is an unfortunate amount as we tried to stop at 32 when we received two last payment proofs - we will limit the tournament to 32 teams, on the assumption that two teams will fold/not pay. If that doesnt happen then two groups will have 5 teams. After this point all teams that have contacted us after the deadline, or without proof will be put onto a waiting list - apologies that we could not seat everyone however we were caught unaware by the last minute rush! Unfortunately a number of teams ignored the statement regarding payment, payment proof or requested an extension and we cant facilitate them until after we have more space in the tournament.

ET Teamlist[/b]]
  • rockit
  • YoYoTech
  • Blight Gaming
  • european elite
  • pstarz dNan
  • polagz
  • ePROX
  • AoW
  • reVeal
  • Phantoms
  • Plug & Pown
  • dESIRE
  • Nothing is Impossible
  • inteRaction
  • Infinitus Gaming
  • Boondocks
  • Lost Soldiers
  • EU United Soldiers
  • Team Even More Randoms
  • enLANced
  • Normality
  • Validus
  • nOu
  • Trial and error
  • aGu
  • eXcess eSports / energy-WAVE
  • oceans6
  • Fama$
  • FiF
  • Section 9
  • nkNn - angelDust
  • perception
  • plasa

ET Waiting List[/u]]
  • valkyrie
  • team lightning
  • vae victis
  • Les treize
  • VIP Gaming
  • eesti-veri
  • nove lamy masters

Anyone not on this list did not provide either a request for an extended deadline or a payment in time and will be put into a waiting list.

The Call of Duty 4 tournament will have its final slots announced tomorrow when we can see who has paid for what. We've been well contacted by a number of teams and have been reading all the various forum comments and will be making our final 48 team list tomorrow, it doesnt look like we'll need the random draw as I think we'll be over subscribed with paid teams as it is. The full update will come tomorrow.

We put a limit onto both tournaments because we're going to be having 80 teams in total across the two tournaments and in the interests of making sure we're not biting off more than we can chew we had to put a block on.

CIC7 COD 48 Team Limit

After careful consideration and not wanting to bite off more than we can chew, we've decided to limit the CIC7 COD Teamlist to 48 teams. 48 Allows us to run a good schedule with lots of games and it 'just' works with our normal system. Now considering some teams have paid and its not arrived and considering some teams even paid today, we ask teams to stop sending money (never thought I'd say that) for the next 48 hours so we can get all money cleared and see what number that leaves us with.

We will reopen the final signups for CIC7 CoD on Saturday morning and ask that teams contact us to confirm their signup space when they do so. Again this is has been a phenomenal endeavour by the CoD community and we're very greatful to the efforts of certain individuals for mobilising this community and I am personally sorry if we cannot service everyone that wants to come, however we must make a decision in the interests of running the best tournament possible.

Please do not send any more entry fees for Call of Duty until Saturday

Map Pools!

After some deliberation the Map Pools for both CoD and ET are now ready, for CoD it was relatively straight forward but for ET with the change to 5on5 it took some contemplation, we decided to go with only 6 maps in contrary to our usual 7 for fear of offering an unbalanced map pool, we have a mixture of 3 'stable' maps and three 'fast' maps.

CoD Map Pool - backlot, crash, citystreets, crossfire, strike.
ET Map Pool - Goldrush, Radar, Supply, Delivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

There was a desire to put further custom maps into both lists however neither had suitable new candidates at such short notice.

The Crossfire Intel Challenge Malaysian Edition

image: cic-header

It is with great pleasure that I can today announce the expansion of the Crossfire Challenge series with the addition of the Crossfire Intel Challenge Malaysian edition. Running on the same dates as CIC7 in Enschede the Malaysian edition will feature CoD4, CS & Quakelive as its primary games.

The event will be held in the city of Petaling Jaya, Selangor at the Blitzone Cyber Cafe with over 140 Gaming specification PC's across the 5th to the 7th of March. The event is expecting to draw in over 50 teams across its various game titles and will be the first Crossfire Challenge to take place outside of The Netherlands. Over the coming weeks you can expect to see more integration of the event into Crossfire.

We have partnered with experienced Malaysian gaming event organisers (Electronic Sport Professionals, ESP), whom were partly responsible for a number of successful events in the past (participated being marshals, crew and/or tournament organizers - although not as a company) for WCG, WGT & ESWC Qualifiers who will be charged with what could be the beginning of a regular event in Malaysia. The expansion of the Crossfire Challenge to include Intel as a title sponsor has brought with it renewed expansion opportunities for the future and the option to run the Malaysian Challenge was one that I couldn’t turn down. Though it should be stated that the operation of the Malaysian edition has no standing on the operation of the Dutch event nor the budget for it.

I grabbed a statement from Brian Chan, event organiser of the new CIC7 Malaysian Edition:

Quote I've always wanted to organize something larger, something a little more meaningful than just another tournament. I wanted to create a future for the gaming industry here in Malaysia, something everyone could look forward to every year where they will meet, test their skill and also, most importantly have loads of fun. The Crossfire Intel Challenge and their team of organizers are great examples of this and I'm proud to have been given the chance to show this to the rest of Asia.

My goals for this event are fairly simple : to give the opportunity to this region to be a part of gaming communities other than their own, to give them something to look forward to and eventually be able to compete against each other in the future, be it in Europe, the United States or our home ground, in Malaysia.

I hope that the Crossfire Community will see this an exciting opportunity and demonstrates the continued potential of the Challenge brand and will see this as a sign of even bigger things to come! There will be 3 more CIC7 announcements this week all related to additional prizing for the Dutch event!

Dignitas pounce on Germaine

image: about_logoBritish giants Dignitas have today pounced to snap up former TCM star Germaine after the deperature of long serving star, Mark. The move comes after Mark took leave of gaming to lap up some sun in a new job in Cyprus. Germaine had a fantastic summer season for TCM along with the rest of his TCM side, making the rise from mainstays to top players.

The Dignitas lineup which will attend CIC7 is now as follows:

United Kingdom raz
United Kingdom nreo
United Kingdom phantasy
Netherlands robyYE
United Kingdom Germaine

The move now gives Dignitas 3 of the TCM side that performed so well last summer, with Raz and nreo completing the lineup.

Additional CIC7 CoD Trigger points

image: cic-header

The Call of Duty community has truly mobilised in the past 6 weeks to get themselves into gear for the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7. As such the tournament has passed the initial triggered prize points set for the tournament something the community should be very proud of, with that in mind using the same expansion prizing for the first 20 teams, we've expanded the prizing to 30 teams and have currently received money from 18 CoD teams!

The triggered points are as such:

3000 for 10 teams
4000 for 16 teams
5000 for 20 teams
6000 for 26 teams
7000 for 30 teams

Additionally a Gary Wilson sent a payment via paypal and forgot to leave any details about which team it was for, so he probably should contact me to let me know who to attribute that to! Teams should also remember that now the tournament is triggered there are no refunds, so please dont send money if you're not planning on coming (same for ET)!

I'd like to thank Vanner & Klieneman for all their hard work getting the teams into action to signup and pay, this is exactly what the CoD community needed and hopefully this will be the kickstart back into life the game needs.

All teams that have paid via bank transfer will see their status' updated next Tuesday (19th of January) so if you've paid, dont worry it just wont be updated until then - only the paypal transfers and bank transfers as of January 6th have been updated.
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