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Crossfire Challenge 7 Announced!

The Crossfire Challenge 7 is approaching and its time for the basic information of the event so that you can start planning your trip to lovely Enschede again!

CC7 will run on the first weekend of March - The 5th through the 7th at the WZZRD Gaming Center in Enschede once again. The event will run the following game titles, Enemy Territory, Modern Warfare 2, Wolfenstein. We will as per the last few events be bringing in extra PC's to expand the venues to capacity to handle the multi game tournaments.

zeroE add Element

Whilst reading some of Belgium Sui's fine work on the Dignitas site for my previous newspost I noticed that long time ET supporter zero Empathy have added to their Wolfenstein ranks by adding team eLement.

A lineup featuring some old ET:Quakewars players in the shape of Sweden dohfOs and Netherlands StrykY with a mixture of new faces to the scene has joined an organisation with a proud ET history, suporting many teams and many famous faces over the years. The new zero.E lineup will be competing in the upcoming CB Opencup and ESL Wolf tournaments, their lineup is as follows:

Italy armisael
Belgium Flocky
Germany kypez
United Kingdom MarshL
Netherlands riXzZ
Sweden dohfOs (backup)
Netherlands StrykY (backup)


$9k GGL Wolfenstein tournament...

image: 4749_boxshot_us_smallThe Global Gaming League have thrown $9000 the way of recently released Wolfenstein, but dont get too excited - its $9k in Wolfenstein limited edition gear! Including $6720 worth of posters taking over two thirds of the prize pool! The tournament is split over PC, PS3 and XBOX with the all entered teams claiming some form of memorabilia prize down to 32nd place.

The official blurb from GGL is as follows: "The Wolfenstein “Take Them All Down” Team Tournament is a team competition with over $9,000 in Wolfenstein prizes up for grabs, including hoodie sweatshirts, posters, and Limited Edition Wolfenstein Medals. The tournament consists of simultaneous month-long ladders for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 players."

Should you wish to take the oppourtunity to win a poster go on over and signup here

Crossfire Returns!

After a dose of Swine Flu Crossfire has returned - but with a vintage database alas. Last week Crossfire's hard drive crashed and burned taking the site down and leaving us with only a backup as of March 2009 to relaunch the site from. Though we will attempt to recover a more recent version the likelihood is the past 6 months of Crossfire’s life did not happen! Another side-effect of this crash is the loss of all users’ profile images.

We can only apologise for how long it’s taken us to get the problem fixed, we've certainly learned a lesson or two as a result of the past week’s events and will come back stronger from it! To get a more hands on setup we've moved Crossfire onto Heaven Media's servers where we can better control situations like this.

In the coming month we'll be confirming the worst kept secret ever which is CC7 and the usual, who what where and when of the next Crossfire LAN. Lastly I'd like to thank Fusen, Corin and Steve for their many hours spent on reincarnating Crossfire, without whom the site would still be dead!

If you do notice any additional bugs now the site is back online, please report them in this forum post.



sol's edit: If your account is banned and it shouldn't be, message an admin either here or in #crossfire, same goes for those of you who can't get your accounts working due to incorrect e-mail addresses or otherwise. If you're wondering whether we can restore your old profile, the answer is no, so please stop asking about this. We cannot restore lost data.

CoD wont be at CC6

Due to lack of signups the triggered tournaments for Call of Duty wont go ahead at CC6. This was expected hence why the triggered system was put in place, the CoD community is heavily divided right now and lacks both unity and support during its downtime. As a sign of the division, CoD2 actually got more signups than CoD4. This will not mean the end for CoD and the Challenge series, this division wont last forever and when its resolved (one would assume with the release of CoD6) CoD will return. All teams who paid via Paypal will get their money back during this week.

The event will be now souly ET, except for a losers tournament in RTCW on Sunday. The feedback from the earlier post was positive, and the RTCW tournament will be open to all attendants at the event, not only that but we're most likely going to be able to offer some small hardware prizes which I'm in negotiations of getting sponsored.

Crossfire Challenge 6 *UPDATE*

image: cc6_ycn
The Crossfire Challenge 6 is upon us! As previously announced the event is taking place in the WZZRD Gaming Cafe in Enschede on May 1st to May 3rd. The long awaited prize announcement is now upon us!

The ET tournament will get a €5000 prizepurse as it did last time with a €45 entry fee. The Call of Duty tournament will be a CoD2 triggered tournament, this (as has already been known) means that CoD teams simply pay via paypal and then if the magic number of 16 teams isn't reached then the tournament wont go ahead and everyone gets their money back. 5 teams have currently signed up for this with 2 others showing interest. There will not be a CoD4 tournament due to the low turnout at the last event and the clash with LAN79, which is also running CoD4.

I'm very glad to announce that YCN-Hosting will be coming on board as title sponsor for the event. Starzi & EYJohn were both admins at the last event and decided to ramp up YCN's involvement with the event and we're very glad to have not only their support but support from two people who have grown to become integral within the ET Community over the past year.

Payments! This is still not quite ready as I search for a more efficient method of doing this, however the payment option will open on March 1st and run for 2 weeks to March 15th, in this period anyone wish to attend will have to signup and payment their entrance fee so start getting yourself ready.

You can book your accomodation through WZZRD again so be sure to log on to WZZRD.nl.

Last event we ran a 3on3 tournament on the Sunday for those that had been knocked out, it was a great success and this time we're thinking about either 3on3 or RTCW your feedback would be greatly appreciated! We're expecting to be able to give teams more game time than at CC5 also. We will also ensure that all ET matches are played on the same monitor as requested post CC5.

Update - Due to a large volume of requests from the CoD community, we will also offer a triggered CoD4 tournament. This is exactly the same as the CoD2 tournament, you pay via paypal to [email protected] making sure to make it optional to accept the payment (i.e. I can click refund instantly if its cancelled at no cost) and the entrance fee will be turned around into prizemoney. So if 16 teams signup there'd be a 4000 Euro tournament. And yes we'd find a way for teams to play in both tourneys

Lettu to Bash!

ButtonBashers last week posted that they were looking to replace Belgium dAv1d in their starting lineup due to his work commitments and this week it was confirmed that flying Finn Finland Lettu would be the man to replace the former CDC Champion. Lettu brings a wealth of experience to the line-up having played top level ET for several years and in the eyes of the team, will be able to return them to the activity needed to compete at the top level.

He had this to say;

Quote by lettuI'm happy to join this experienced and skilled team, and cant wait to play etmasters and other cups with them. Joining such team is nice also because of incoming lans like cc6 which might be my last ET-lan because of army. After my army i think i will be playing Wolfenstein if it doesn't get delayed much and is a good game.

This leaves the side with the following roster:

Spain Winghaven
Belgium mAus
Latvia Clown
Italy Xylos
Czech Republic Marv
Finland lettu

UKeSa Premiership Teams Announced

UKeSA has today confirmed the lineup for the Dell XPS Premiership for their first season, the list has raised one or two eyebrows within the CoD community for missing teams however the list does present some potentially mouthwatering ties!

Premiership Teams

- ButtonBashers
- CrackClan
- fnatic
- Reason Gaming
- Team CoolerMaster
- Team Dignitas
- Trademark Gamers

In other Call of Duty news, the ESL announced the second season of the EPS UK. The season will support CS:S, CoD4, Quake 3 and Trackmania. The CoD4 prizepurse has dipped down from £15,000 to £10,000 due to a poor turnout last season.

More CoD Ca$h!

Call of Duty 4 has been dealt good news this week with more events confirming using it and throwing money in its direction!

Firstly UKESA confirmed that CoD4 did make the premiership games list and is giving it £2400 for the premiership and £1200 for the Championship. The other premiership games are CS:Source, FIFA09 & TF2. You can read more about that Cadred.

Secondly the ESL are going to give CoD4 a chance to shine in the German EPS. Crossfire's German sensation Bo revealed earlier this evening that the ESL will be giving the game another €10,000 which comes just a week after they awarded £15k in the EPS UK. CoD4 has been announced for the second EPS UK season which will take place later this year again.

UKeSa CoD4 deadline approaches

image: 6b30294e2faef13c6317c394b04a93f2The deadline to complete your UKeSa registration is fast approaching and for CoD4's chances of making it into the premier league teams need to act quickly to complete their registrations! The registration is completed in 2 parts, firstly all teams MUST have a complete roster of filled in GUID's on their ED profile and secondly, teams MUST pay their entrance fee, all of this must be completed by SUNDAY (8th Feb). CoD4 stands a very good chance of making it as a premiership game if teams mobilse themselves, so far TF2 looks to be the only dead cert of being there with a whopping 30 teams paid and complete.

UKeSa CoD4 Tourney Page
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