recording program

need program which would record me sound. not the windows one, it records only 60 secs. im playin a certain song on my guitar, and i want to record it. that way i see if i play it good.but im Windows recorder u can record only 60 SECS, then u have to click that button again, but its a bit complicated, though, if u play a guitar at the same time. So i would need a program which can record ur sound for 5 minutes or more. Thanks in advance
thank you, downloading
Hoe kan ik opgeven hoe lang een opname moet duren?
U kunt de duur van een opname opgeven via de opdrachtregel. Ga hiervoor als volgt te werk:

Klik achtereenvolgens op Start, op Alle programma's, op Bureau-accessoires en op Opdrachtprompt.

Typ bij de opdrachtprompt het volgende (bestandsnaam staat hierbij voor het bestand dat u wilt opnemen, en bestandstype voor de bestandsextensie):

SoundRecorder /FILE bestandsnaam.bestandstype /DURATION uuuu:mm:ss

Als u bijvoorbeeld het bestand output.wma wilt opslaan, waarbij de opname stopt na 45 seconden, typt u SoundRecorder /FILE output.wma /DURATION 0000:00:45

Druk op ENTER.

Het pictogram van Geluidsrecorder verschijnt in het systeemvak.

Neem het gewenste geluid op.

Na de opgegeven tijd slaat Geluidsrecorder het bestand in het volgende pad op (waarbij Gebruikersnaam uw gebruikersnaam op de computer is):

he asked for a program, not a whole new O/S
You dont need a program if you have Vista

That was my point tbh
Quote by -_spA-need program which would record me sound. not the windows one, it records only 60 secs. im playin a certain song on my guitar, and i want to record it. that way i see if i play it good.but im Windows recorder u can record only 60 SECS, then u have to click that button again, but its a bit complicated, though, if u play a guitar at the same time. So i would need a program which can record ur sound for 5 minutes or more. Thanks in advance

that was his point
My point is that Vista is Windows and it can record more than 60 seconds ^^
I got your point already!
but it's terrible, why would one want to install it?
because its better than everyone thinks it is
no, it's not.
If you dont have it you cant know it


No problems at all with it tbh
my requirements for OS differs from yours.
So? Its still beter than everyone thinks ..

Ppl are just scared to try new things
actually, no. it's unstable with plenty of bugs.
Unstable ? Yes I have had blue screens until I found a hotfix ...

Never had any blue screens or bugs since then
I tried it ( 64 Bit Ultimate Special Edition ) and it sux so hard! Apple - Mac OS X Leopard > Linux > Windows XP > THE REST > Vista
64 bit just sux tbh and if you havent used any hotfixes it sux even harder

Wait for SP1 and it will be nice :)

2008 Q1 :D
get off crossfire bill!
gonna play hide and seek :)
windows movie maker ;)
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