some questions

Due to the fact that my mate Germany eiM just posted another topic in the last hour, he asked me to post his request:

hi guys,

i wanna get into the moviemaking thing :) Got my pc with ultranice specification so i now can record at high fps rates^^
I have some simple questions about how making a ckip , movie with nice quality is done.

First I record in W:ET with a nice config and good resolution at cl_avidemo 200.

Now the first question, do you afteredit the screenshots and add some gamma or whatever colour you want or do you do that in Vegas with some effects / filters? I'm completely new to Vegas so I dont know anything about it :)

Then I make an uncompressed avi with Virtualdub at 200fps.

Now I import the clip into Vegas with settings like in hannes tutorial and some motion blur gets created. I Again export with nice uncompressed settings and now encode with MeGui and some settings I found on the net (as i dont know anything about the codec up to now).

So do you have any tipps what I should definately do different or what you do different but is not nessesary...

And it would be lovely if you could give me some links e.g. to useful tutorials / communities for moviemaking :).

thx Germany eiM
use image.exe, and record at 30 fps (more if you want a slowmo action) then you can change the colors, gamma and saturation in vegas
i tried it but I rly didnt like the colours it created... I couldnt get it to not edit the colours , intensity ,gamma etc ... would be nice to record at 30fps or smth and not at 200 but dont know how to change it to use my normal moviecfg settings :o
you can change it in the image config
ye i tried... but the default settings still changed my colours^^
maybe i'll give it another try becuase I dont have that much space and dont want to buy another hard drive
well normally if you join #image there are lots of peeps that want/can help you
actually thats a nice idea :-*
read this first:

and then start thinking if you want to continue making movies or not

k thx
i know how to make scripted cameras... did that long time ago ;) before there were tutorials for that ;o
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