Control Panel Problem

Im using Windows Vista Home Premium.

When I try to open the control panel, a window with the usual size of it appears but its just white. You are able to see it for about 1/2 seconds and after this it disappears again. I tried rebooting ofc.Do you know anything I can do to fix this Problem?

Hardware information at my profile.

And no, I wont change my OS.
whuts 'control panel' in dutch? x:
Configuratiescherm ?
registry bug imo!
Im using Vista since October 2007, I had this problem every once a while , I fixed it by rebooting , but Ive already tried it 3-5 times today, still not fixed.
clean your registry.
Ok I will

But how?
Thx Ill try it
update me :}
Tried it. Didnt work unfortunately but anyways thx for this program.
Fixed it!

image: skillug0
How ?

Btw i heard by making a map with a hexadecimal code you get a link to it

example {1234ADFECB1200934823FA}
Will be hard to explain as I use wombatish as my System language...

But try this:


Type "Services" in the search box >>

Click on the found Program (If there are more than one click on the program with a cog wheel in front of it)>>

Now a list will open up, search for "software Licensing" click on it with the left mouse button now in the upper left corner click on "disable it" and then activate it again.

The "services" window should look like this:

image: 0,1425,i=170966,00
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