fragmovie music topic no. 39

if you have any intresting, unique music or just some nice music that you love, post it here. Any style is good. Preferably with youtube or .mp3 links :)

random pic:
image: img_c7da89780d4cec0d6093d969ffaefc37
gtfo you attentionwhoring fucktard !!!
Age: 29 ( 29 August 1978 )

nice stalking me :D
plx , just as nolife as you :D

edit: do you know how to get fast 1400€ ? and fix your profile 2005 thingy from unactive to inactive
whore yourself out to a hundred chicks for 14€
or to ten fat chicks for 140€
nah thats too risky.. you know.. to get crushed by some fattie.. and it would take too much time to find 100 hundred chicks..
hm true
what do you need it for?
depending on how fast and srsly you need,
a) get a job
b) scam
c) deal drugs to fucktards
new pc what I've planned..the exact price is 1386€ (includes new 200€ screen 20" widescreen).. you know mah secret plan is to ask my mom and to say her that she can get my current pc for her own stuffz since she dont have own pc now :D + to get some from dad or something

I dont have drugs.. dunno how to scam or with what and I cant get a job or I dont have time for a job
oh i thought you owed someone money or something

just get a job or ask parents, you cant really get 1400€ easily atleast not doing legal stuff

also spending 1400€ on a PC is pretty retarded, it will cost 600€ in 2 months. Better to spend like 800-900€ now and upgrade later. (i'm talking about assembling it yourself ofc, you can get a really good pc for 800€ then)
true but the shit wat I've planned is planned like that I can add another gfx laterz and more memory .. u know :P and my nervz are going with my current one.. (see specs from my profile) this is like 4 years old.. never formatted and I wont :D
ye but buying a 1400€ PC is pretty pointless, it's just overkill for everything.
trust me, i wasted 600-700€ on my pc, specs in profile
i can play crysis with a custom config 1280x1024 dx9 very high 40fps, looks amazing. there isn't anything more graphically needy than crysis coming out in a year or two most probably, so yeah.
after you've played crysis there is absolutely nothing to do with your PC.. wish i woulda used the money elsewhere, as it was my own money.
yeah.. my plan.. supports dx10 able to run crysis high graphics with playable fps with better resolution BUT it's not only crysis :D I would like to play CoD4 , ET:QW , Assassin Creed etc. these new games too.. maybe some even at competitive level.. Now I have 15-30 fps on ET:QW and CoD4 ..and I had to change my ET maxfps to 76 and it's still so fu*king unstable..when someone throws smoke it's like 15 fps :D and I think my cpu is dying.. I did run 3dmark03 and that did show lower results from my CPU than ever before.. :P anyways.. I could waste this money for this.. especially when parents are paying :XD edit: and I cant even play much at pubs anymore ;( since at all troo noob publicz has wolffog 1 and I cant get higher fps than 45-50 with that :D
pme at IRC i'll play some songs for you, I dont want to publish them so I will not post their links here, you can find me @ #cdap
celldweller - switchback
hoobastank - out of control

Linkin Park - One Step Closer
Drowning Pool - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes
any Disturbed track
Requiem For a Dream OST

Seems unique enough, thanks!
I thought you had good taste in music ! 8(

Well, i won't say anything about any of those bands EXCEPT for linkin Park, which in my oppinion, might quite possibly be the worst band ever to perform :(.
heh, i was of course being entirely sarcastic :P
I now realise that ! :(
Because they haven't been used before have they?
nothing that i recall
blatant sarcasm? or have you actually never heard Switchback in a fragmovie before? ;e
ofcourse i have
lol saw this trailer atm and it consist already both songs
nowplay: swizz beatz - money in the bank @_@
fort minor - s.c.o.m (sweet children of mine)

imo one of the best songs for a great outro :)
are u planing to make a movie and are too lazy to find ur own?
or are u just looking for good music?

i think almost every kind of music is possible for movies... depends on what movie u r gonna do :>
i would prefer for a frag movie:metalcore like

killswitch engage

or as i lay dying

but most people would sa then: crappy music and so on....

or take some hiphop imo
its rly unique, cuz i´ver never seen a fragmovie with good hiphop in it

thought of:limp bizkit, fort minor
crappy music
two personal favorites:
david bowie - heroes
scorpions - hurricane 2000
I know a few but I won't say what they are because I want them in my little video :D
PANDAR Making epic frag movie vs BIG KNOWN teams? :o
The most known/top games I've played against was my time playing with cowmix I think :D
haha all my good kills are against like unknowns i might one day just take piss and make one =O just for pure shits and giggles =]
nice screen

desaturated screenies stopped looking nice in early 90`s :e
Actually, it's a greyscale pk3 that Frop made. I didn't use any filters on the picture. The players and explosions are still colored, so big fights look amazing especially in a movie (not a screenie) and i've never seen this in the 90's nor used at all before :)
hrm I'm using the same effect but a bit diffrently (with tga_diff); may I ask what that greyscale pk3 is, might be faster o:
gimmi clip then, i know it would look good
btw guessed you used greenpax for that = kinda close :d
anyway, dont desaturate it that much
"don't desaturate too much"
did you read my post? -_-
it just greyscales the textures, i don't use desaturate and i can't control how much it greyscales because greyscale is just that - greyscale..

havn't made a clip tho
If you want to keep it like that I suggest greenpacks and destaurate manually. And if the screenshot was meant to impress anyone, you failed.
i think you're missing the point of this journal (rather hard missing it tbh)

why would a random pic be meant to impress anyone, you cocky penismuncher?
Why add it afterwards then? I did get the point, but I wont give you the songs I plan to use on the movie I'm making myself. And that's basically why I added my comment in the course of this argument rather than letting it stand alone as a single statement.
its like everyone who posts GIVE ME FM SONGS thinks that every moviemaker will rush to him to give him their own songs :E
Especially ridiculous without mentioning what type of music is preferred or what style or pace the movie is ought to have.
i think poining the style one wants to "get" (music style) is fine since it hurts noone :d but asking moviemakers for movie songs will never giv u results as you expect :D
That's what I was stating in my above comment really :)
If he said "need proper electro/trance/hardrock songs for FM" it'd be better than just saying "GIEF SONGS"
why are you taking a simple music request topic this serious? get over it, weirdo.
Because I'm in an argumentative mood actually. How would you feel when you wake up on a monday morning at 3 o'clock feeling the need to vomit until you finish vomitting by 4:30 and finally find some sleep. What you didn't know by then is that simply the thought of eating anything else than watery fluids threatens to make you throw up again for the next two days. Then, on wednesday, you wake up in your own fluid excrements you thought which were a fart when you dropped them during night. You find yourself in the need of cleaning your bed, your underpants and most of all your own arse, but you can't take a proper shower because your parents are sleeping next door and it's 4 o'clock in the morning.

Apart from that, my life is perfectly fine.
and i'm sorry that you crapped yourself and couldn't clean it, but after this you'll laugh about it :>
Yes, because i smeared my boxers filled with humid fecies over my parents' faces without waking them up and wearing the same dirty boxers in school today.
actually i've gotten many good song suggestions from other moviemakers also, yes, in this wonderful world there are some people that help others. and where did I say that i'm asking moviemakers for songs?
you've got no clue about anything tbh, like all polish people -_-
you`ve got no clue about anything, including moviemaking + making things yourself, as all 15yr` olds

+ why do you think i dont help anyone? lots of people spam me for help and in 99% they get it.
the 1% was you
lol @ you saying the exact same thing I said to you

think of something yourself tbh, as you're the one with no clue here - i understand this perfectly. you're an polish moviemaker and your ego is taking a music journal too serious and being cocky.
ur just an idiot lol, 15 yr ego estonian kid that tries to show that hes better than everyone, while all you can do is ask for help, ask for mp3s and copy color correction styles, most probably even more
rofl? copy color corrections styles? from what?
how am I trying to show that i'm better than anyone.. by asking for some good music? you're the one who started flaming needlessly, so i think you're really talking about yourself - kid, ego, thinks he's a good moviemaker.
from where? i think you know this bbetter than me, tho im kinda sure its FMP green easy
+ i flame because ur just an idiot, and flaming idiots gievs me phun
actually, it's "enhance" and I added the color + brightness myself.
PS. the presets are made for using, thats why you can buy them, it's not copying.. dumb brat. it's as good as saying you copied your effects cause all you did was use the same twitch effect for your whole movie.
actually i see using those presets as totally lack of invention tbh
and yes, i agree twitch effect sucked in some places >D
i don't think colorcorrection counts as creativity
ofc it does, nice colors usually need lots of work + a general idea of what you`r trying to get :d
it will rarely look good if you just drag and drop lotto effects or compositing modes into the clip, if it does its clear accident :e
your movies never looked good color-wise so dunno.
depends, i like them + know a lot of ppl who also do
you're still wrong about colorcorrection being creativity, it just isn't.
maybe you`r right, let me take this other way

you need to be creative to get a good color correction, good color correction doesnt say that someone is creative, but if you are creative, you will not have bad colors
colorcorrection depends on taste, thus your argument is false. as you already said - some people like your colors, some don't. does that mean they don't like creativity or that they just don't like the colors?
its not about other people, just you + your skills ( i mean moviemaker at all, not only you :E) its impossible to do nice colors (for the moviemaker) without having at least a piece of creativity

btw i guess its teh longest comment chain evah :D
ofcourse it's possible to make nice colors without creativity, there have been lots of testclips and not particularly creative movies with good colors. it's a totally diffrent thing.
guess im unable to explain you what i think about this but let it be :D
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. You sir, just failed badly
not even mentioning that such a guy turned his attention to me ! omg i so happy my lord
correct answer.
Bad Religion - You

millencolin - no cigar

switchfoot - politicians

Lagwagon - May 16

Very good songs and never used in ET Fragmovies so far as i know, exept Switchfoot
Bad Religion <333
One of the best bands ever existed ;)
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